Pope Simulator promises a 'realistic' depiction of life as the Supreme Pontiff

Can you make a female pope?


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I hope it's good.

the altar boy route is going to be lit

What happened to the Jesus Christ Simulator?


can you molest little boys in it?

Can you turn the Catholic Church over to the Jews with Vatican II?

Can I stop vatican II
please tell me yes

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>make female pope
>get fucked by all the priests to cleanse their minds and prevent pedophilia
>create more childrens for the church

Left has its tranny simulators
So it's only fair that right will make a MAP simulator

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I really want this pope to be gone, he makes it incredibly difficult to be catholic

I remember the game ideas thread here and I described how I would make a pope sim in detail. If this faggot copied this I will sue

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If only you didn't have to be catholic.

man, why'd you give up the goods?
those threads are ALWAYS people fishing for ideas to steal

Can't wait to get my boys off for getting off on boys.

it'll be nice to move pedo priest from nice parish's into area's with disadvantaged children as punishment

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>Make pope Francis
>Preach about diversity and migrants while the Vatican bank keep funding wars and profiting off financial crisis
>Do absolutely fucking nothing to contrast pedophilia im the church
>Be the most hated by christians and loved by atheists Pope ever
Just like IRL

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wouldn't want to be something else
a life with god in it is a better life

so many people feel something is missing in their lives and try to fill it with fleeting distractions
thats where you should put your relationship with god
you'll see how much better things are there after


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At least he's not defending actual child rapists, unlike two popes before him.

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Cringe. But still just be protestant if you don't like the vatican.


Success breeds jealousy. Seethe

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Raping shotas?

putting your faith into someone's hands regardless if he's real, dead, or fictional, is the ultimate cuck thing one could ever do.

Last good Pope pic related
But they never did you faggot. The only one who protects pedophiles is the actual Pope
>Inb4 b-but
Saying there needs to be evidence is not protecting
Not launching investigations is

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Seems boring and safe.
Can i call a crusade? Excomunicate the jews? Stopping abortions? Bless a tank?
No, so the game is just "do boring tedious stuff".

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nah, the catholic values are the right ones for me
protestants in my eyes are people that want all the benefits without putting the work in
the rules are the rules

that said, this doesn't mean I need to follow the pope or the church blindly. It's important to remember the pope is just a man elected by other men. His word isn't the word of god
it's the first commandment after all. So if he says something that is contradictory to god then he can just fuck right off

Reminder that theres no athetist in the foxholes

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lmao the denial
>pope tells priests not to reveal rapists to the police and handle things internally instead
>rapists go free during his rule
>jp2 era rapists only being outed now, when a better pope took over

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>>pope tells priests not to reveal rapists to the police and handle things internally instead
>>rapists go free during his rule
So are we speaking about Francis ?
>>jp2 era rapists only being outed now, when a better pope took over
They only get outed because of the background checks they are required to do since jp2 reforms, not because of Fucktard Francis