Bravo Kojima

Bravo Kojima...

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I liked the fan translation more

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Kids and Grown-Ups Love It So,
The Happy World of La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo

>get given one of those small 25g baggies of haribo at work
>eat it during lunch
>teeth proceed to hurt for the rest of week
I thought brushing twice a day and flossing once a week was enough.

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Haribo tastes decent but they are hard as rocks, you didn't do anything wrong.


based pedo

>local 7-Eleven stopped carrying these
>they don’t carry any gummy candy worth buying
Fuck dudes, some days I just want fruity and chewy

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how fragile are you?

Dumb prick would probably be dead without delivery.

You can't cook food? You 100% should be dead. I want you to be dead.

Soft gummies and sweets in general fucking suck, let my mouth ache or whars the point. Same goes for sour things, a really good sour thing is one that makes me cry from the chemical burns. No memes, I really enjoy it, especially when my mouth is in tatters

Look for Welch's gummy fruits. They're the shit. In fact, I'm gonna go get some right fucking now.

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Sour patch kids are fucking choice, don't get it twisted.

Hard sweets that are sour shit on everything else, especially when there's an extra sour layer inside

>Harry Bo
That's our Kojima alright.

Death for your DEATH. Fuck you bitches. Vitamin C capsule. That's how they passed those things originally by the board of health.

TIL: the entirety of Yas Forums are such pathetic little nerds, that they hurt themselves eating gummy

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Go fuck your mother. The extreme era was dope.


Harrybo’s Granddad

>Haribo tastes decent but they are hard as rocks
Where the fuck do you live? They should never be hard unless they've been lying around forever.

dont mind me, just posting the best fruit gummy ever

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>craving for gummy cola bottles
>some reason ridiculously hard to find
where the fuck are they?

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I'm not American.

those taste weird but i laughed OP thanks

Sucks to be you.

I feel your pain bro

Africa is suffering

You can get Haribo stuff here, but its like $7 a bag

Normal sweets are like $1-2 max

Wot, explain user

all these fat fuck itt lmao, isn't it time to sleep, ameriblobs?

>europoor so obsessed he has to resort to pretending americans are on right now in his mind
obsessed and rent free

>Why yes I do believe the best Haribo pack is Sourtastic, how could you tell?

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a good contender but not quite

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What does Yas Forums - video games think about black licorice?
I like it but I feel like I'm the only one in the world who does.

I prefer these. Now if they only sold them somewhere that wasn't fucking Amazon.

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For me, it's

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I like it too but it makes my nose runny

Ask the same question in scandinavia, you will be alone I can promise you that

For me

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Posting God tier.

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This guy’s my nigger

You're not a tepid, un-salty boy are you Yas Forums?

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I like the cherry's better, I think its a texture thing.

I'll raise you

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