Join me user. Together we can rule the entire galaxy
Join me user. Together we can rule the entire galaxy
Why is her route so short? I wanted to crush the dubstep niggas with my red team.
Hell no. I'm going to kill each and every one in your empire. Dimitri will have the honor of severing your head of course
The canon routes are usually shorter.
>Wanting to rule anything after doing what she wanted with Fodlan
>When she hands off the throne to somebody better suited
Who the fuck is this
I love you
Keep trying, Edeltard.
No other route had a "shit is actually going down" feel like El's. I loved when you had to go to a temporary base before taking over Garreg mach.
I loved when you were outnumbered by Dimitri and mommy but rain saved you.
Sorry, I'm not bisexual.
nice try, fake ass Daenerys ripoff
Just got this game and i have no idea who i should join.
Save me bros.
they're all fucking shit but Claude/Church gives you the most lore and doesn't tell you bullshit.
>church doesn't give you bullshit
did you even play the fucking game?
Which one has the most feet
Did you? No route is gonna give you the complete truth retard.
Except VW and SS tell you basically everything
They don't go far enough in the Church's bad points. And no bullshit? What's more bullshit than the church's final chapter?
Could have sworn I killed you already
because it doesn't reuse chapters from the others
I wanna fuck Petra
Black Eagles and then the church for the full story. Dimitri and Claude are both retarded faggots.
Edelgard is literally the most retarded character in this game
>Dragon didn't know i was being tortured by humans, so they're evil for not saving me!!!!!
wew this shit is darker than it looks
also note that SS is actually great as the "recruit all" path
I would never join you! You killed my father!
you act like we didn't already know this
>caring about nu Greil
You forgot to add that they're both short
What church bullshit?
And VW is literally the throwout route that is a copy paste except for the last chapter that kinda sucks. VW fags cling to it since it is literally all they have since Claude sucks so much.
I hate killing people and engaging in wars in video games. I also hate grey morality, everything must be good vs bad. I especially hate it when nameless faceless npc soldiers are implied to have died off screen during battle. What games should I play?
>animal crossing
>the sims
>Fire emblem three houses, the latest installment of a SRPG series focusing on war
misleading filename, they take the rite to get the healing powers the crest of seiros provides along with the extended lifespan it gives. The people in high offices of the church are volunteering to get divine powers so that they can help others and nobody, not even Rhea would've known that they would've turned into monsters after Rhea took 3 nukes to the face.
>implying 3H has grey morality
the devs themselves say "Rhea has a good reason to do what she does, Edelgard is the bad guy and her route is not canon"
> after Rhea took 3 nukes to the face
happened in VW but nobody turned into a lizard
imagine being so autistic that you play make-believe with such a shitty plot full of holes
that's because VW is a rushed afterthought route that went through a massive rewrite because the devs ran out of time to do anything with the Alliance. The devs themselves even admit that the Alliance in the final game are completely different characters than they were originally supposed to be.
way to out yourself as a dipshit from the get-go
the game's theme is literally about helping edelgard, even in the paths you oppose her the game makes you want to feel sorry for her and the track that plays during the credits reinforce it
bad cope and headcannon
the devs literally say the Black Eagles main story is "Edelgard is your rival, teacher must fight student" the only headcanon being spouted is coming from you.
even disney movies give the villain their own song you fag
>b-but the devs said so!
>spouting lies
lmao only a pathetic beta orbiter would give up their divinity to kowtow to a murderous subhuman womanlet
Womanlets shouldn't be this cute
>a pathetic beta orbiter
good to know you accept the idea that any ending except CF is reinforcing the status quo of humans being slaves to dragons
literally every single FE to this day is about banishing the dragons that rule over humanity
Womanlets are peak cute.
>muh humanityfag
>slave to dragons
yep, all 3 of them, one of which fucks off or redeems herself while the other 2 are better people than most of the cast.
not Edelgard though, she's a goblina
did you even play part 1?
every single chapter from 2 until jeralt dies is trying to hint at how the church are tyrants and hipocrytes
the whole west church arc is about this
>Which route specifically did you make as the foundation for the worldview at the beginning?
>Kusakihara: Part One and the Empire route of Part Two… or the “church route,” as players call it, Silver Snow. In the process, you make an enemy out of your house leader, Edelgard… I’d decided on that flow from the beginning. From there, each route’s story and the nitty-gritty of each house leader were opened up by the scenario team at Koei Tecmo. Your house leader leaves you, so I imagined the Black Eagles as the hardest route.
>Tell us how Edelgard and the Empire got to the position they’re in now.
>Kusakihara: I think most of the characters walking the path of conquest(the villains) up until now have been men. I also think villains are often men… I wanted to do something unexpected, or make it harder to predict future events, so that role went to a woman this time.
Yokota: There’s a contrast between her strong side, pushing through with her conquest, and her adorable side, and I think she turned out to be a good character. Also, sure enough, we left in the longstanding series trope of “empire = bad guys.” With the name “empire,” I feel like there really is this vague image of “probably evil.” Regarding the story, it started with the element of “let’s make it Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” but we also wanted to have a school life. That meant it would have to be temporarily peaceful, and from there, we needed something to spark a war. To that end, something needed to be the bad guy… or rather, shoulder a role close to that, or the story wouldn’t work, so we had the Empire support us in that way.
The devs view the Empire and Edelgard as the villain, they made her a woman because it would've been harder to predict, and that ended up biting them in the ass because people refuse to see the truth.
The whole interview is 18 pages, but these two paragraphs sent Edelgard's entire fanbase into a frenzy for a straight week
Jeralt literally says "lol I was wrong, the church is actually pretty good" right before he dies, you literally didn't play the game if you somehow missed this. Also...
>defending the western church
the absolute state of Edeltards.
post cunny
>he didn't play the ashe/catherine paralogue
you mean the Western Church that's a puppet of Edelgard and the Slithers, and the fact she used Lonato as a sacrifical lamb?
>the church is evil because they executed people who were incited to revolt by Edelgard
Reach for my hand, I'll soar away.