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So all snoybox 4 has all sprin-summer is the bamham reskin, nice

>toy with no hinges
>elementary school backpack
>literal jew lesbian bracelet
>ellie's ugly face
>ellie's ugly face again
>ellie's ugly face for a thrid time
>completely black box for it all to go in
snoys WILL pay full price for this

They really should redo the cover art in the meantime.

that all looks like shit.

Full price for manufacturing this is 100$ tops, they're selling for double the price

*game not included

Will they skimp out on the backpack like Bethesda did with their canvas bags?

The only people who like the last of us is fake gamers

>ellie statue
Oh no

>muh depressed lesbian playing the guitar
yeah great figurine to have

It's included.

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That there are people who will actually buy this makes me lose hope in humanity.

That statue is a joke, right? It looks like that fucked up Geralt that CDPR exchanged for free, except here it's the final product?

>the Jew bracelet as a goodie

>but you need to download 60GB of patches

is that a screaming dyke? Can't wait to have it on display next to my vasectomy diploma and funko pops.

>Ellie's face just awkwardly plastered over everything and a cheap as fuck plastic statue

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If Nincels bought literal cardboard with a Nintendo logo for 80$ i see no issue with retards buying an overpriced and mediocre CE.

Uncharted 4 to .. this. Yeah no, What happened to Sony in the last 4 years? They haven’t released a single good game.

that statue looks like utter shit.

Moving their headquarters to Commiefornia

It's final

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Kek is that a blue frisbee?
All that other shit looks like garbage too

God that screaming dyke makes me want to hang it up proudly on my wall.

WHoOoAAAA playing guitar with blood on you how fuckin' HARDCORE and BADASS

Yeah but you could actually play with the cardboard. Your buying all this just to look at, even the game.

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not to mention druckmans godking complex.

Took a whole 12 minutes to go the B-b-b-but nintendo route. You guys are getting better at coping.

lmao I refuse to believe this is real

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TLoU is going to kill Cyberpunk

It looks like they couldnt even be assed to use slightly different paint for the rock and jacket.

>30+ posts
>no-one asking for a source on the new date

>Kike bracelet is part of the collectors edition
You can't make this shit up

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we don't give a fuck when it releases because we aren't going to pay to be jewed by druckmann

Stop thinking about game studios like these as a single entity.
People come and go (in fact, at Naughty Dog people seem to come and go A LOT) and that affects development.
Easiest example would probably be Blizzard, their Diablo2 days and the current status of the company is very different. The people that made Diablo2 literally don't work there anymore.
Same thing with Valve. A lot of the people who made TF2 or CSGO literally just don't work there anymore.

like someone gives a shit about the date

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hey now user, that doesn't sound like you're keeping an open mind.

>fucked up Geralt
This brings back memories

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I'd argue that Diablo wasn't even made by Blizzard but by a studio that Blizzard bought and killed.

nintendo made cardboard more interesting than sony's prized exclusive game.
let that sink in.

what are you incels on about? It looks fine

oh no no no

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Only a cuck would buy this

What are some collectors editions that didn't suck ass?

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>SJW lesbian game.
No thanks.

What does the bracelet mean? It seems to be a big deal

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She's so ugly looking
And that statue looks like it was made by a high school kid in art class