>Really fuckign fun in beta
>Full release comes
>Suddenly turned to shit
what happened????
Really fuckign fun in beta
Competitive happened. The game was fine for that 1-2 months post-launch where there was no Competitive mode.
Pretty much.
shit ranked games, i dropped -1000 sr during season 13 and never looked back.
Unironically Ana
And then Doomfist
Nerfs to Roadhog
Unable to decide how Mercy should work
Also It went from a general pub atmosphere to a fucking tryhardfest.
It just doesn't feel varied enough. Every game plays out pretty much the same, ults are less fun to face against than to use, most variety in the game is the characters and blizzard takes a year to release a new one, healing characters mean someone has to eat shit and play the dumb blonde slut every game or you instantly lose.
It's just awfully designed.
sold out to the chinks. hope every bat soup drinking chink-slave that touches this shit TF2 ripoff contracts the 'rona
actiblizz took some retarded choices, like restricting characters to 1-per-team in CASUAL mode, or balancing the game so staying on the same 6 characters was optimal (instead of needing to switch mid-match like was promised). i'm also salty at the lack of custom map features.
The same thing that happened with Street Fighter V
>5000 players got banned for cheating yesterday
This even more so when they instilled the 1 character per team rule.
>people just play around with whatever
>Memesport Comp bullshit enforces the 2-2-2 team comps
>gets changed and nerfed almost immediately
Fuck Memesports.
that blonde slut is the worse healer in game atm, prob tie with zen
>wait 5 min to play 1/5 of the roster
>wait 15 min to play the rest
>in quickplay
they have multiple accounts
E-sports in general has destroyed Blizzard. That and WoW.
>game literally did NOT track any gameplay stats from matches in Arcade except for wins for the longest time
>all I played was Mystery Heroes
>career profile says I've won 1,000 games in 200 hours
Muh balance
Haven't played in ages but healers are still boring as shit to play.
Also gunplay isn't good enough to be fun. Using the AK in CSGO literally never gets old but 2 games of McCree and I already want to go to sleep.
>muh E-sports
They should've went balls deep in the characters's abilities and gameplay styles (same with the maps)
>look up a tier list
>Ana is supposedly the best healer now
How the fuck
I literally remember when they started copying HotS by changing it so she shoots through full-health teammates and people bitching that that took away her pre-healing capability.
sounds like you're just shit at the game
git gud
I use to think competitive was a good thing, mainly to balance the game
But then I realized how soulless "balance" makes a game. Just DO THIS or else bullshit
sauce please, iq gave nothing
That's the thing, nothing has been happening. Game currently has slightly more content than the beta but most of it is gated behind timed events or restricted by role limits.
normies got in
good they can buy more accounts then
>Game has an ability
>Ability is used by a character in a cinematic video advertising the game
>Ability ends up being really good in the right hands
>Instead of balancing the ability, they remove it
>That part of the video no longer makes sense
It was never fun. Waiting until your full team has ults and then vomitting them out all at the same time while the other team is helpless, then the other team respawning and doing it back, was always garbage """gameplay"""
my man ana and zen have been perpetually trading places as the busted healer ever since zens first buff because neither of them ever get real nerfs
the rest is just them making full retard decisions and then dragging their feet to revert it, like with brig/mercy
balance is a good thing, Bizzard balance sucks ass and balls through a garden hose. Right now some characters are god, while the majority isn't. This is bad kind of balance, because it encourages both teams to run the same team comp of only powerful characters. Instead of nerfing everyone to oblivion, you should gently buff the weak so that everyone is viable.
also, shields aren't a mistake on their own, they're just bad on chokepoint-heavy maps like the ones found in OW.
Kaplan shitting on everything
It started to be popular so edgy zoomers like you parroting Yas Forumsirgins started to hate it. Full release is much more superior than broken unbalanced beta with more game options. Game only become stale after years, that's it.
They focused on e"sports" instead of fun
Imagine overwatch with community hosted servers and custom maps. Sure it'd be a shit show but it'd be fun
I want to go balls deep inside Brigitte
>Ability ends up being really good in the right hands
>in the right hands
literally just shoot someone's feet.
Overwatch is a prime example of what happens when you spend all dev time turning a casual game into a hardcore competitive esports bullshit fuckfest of a game. They should've focused on making a fun game first with tons of content and gamemodes.
Fuck compfags and fuck esports
>he likes when metas form
Fucking this.
You realize "overwatch is boring" isn't the edgy contrarian opinion right?
it'd be much less of a shitshow then current overwatch
Comp was fine until they forced role queue and remove fun trolling builders making them dps.
They tried too hard balancing it for e-sport faggots. Remember that stacking heroes was a part of the game at launch and then Blizzard removed it.
>>Ability ends up being really good in the right hands
so how many hours did you have on hanzo
OP said that game become bad right after release when it was objectively superior to beta. He's underage retard like you.
This. Competitivetards are swine who kill everything they infest.
Jesus Christ I can't see shit.
Competitive mode wasn't what killed it.
It was the addition of new characters.
You know why TF2, CS, Quake, ect. are fun competitive casual shooters mixed in one basket?
Because they don't fundamentally add a new 5 new weapons for a character every month with the intention of "mixing up the meta".
Cause thats fucking stupid
>this person disagrees with me they're underage
can't even really call this reddit it's just plain old retardation
game was kind of fun for a few months, though i was already barely paying attention when the first halloween update came out
came back for a few months to exclusively play the deathmatch mode but even that got boring
the game was always shit you were just blinded by the blizzard polish
When i played with friends we just had fun, sometimes we did stupid shit like played 3 Torbs or 3 Mei and annoyed other team
Then came serious mode and one my friends started getting angry all time at team and game for not winning, was no longer about fun
Also they nerfed fucking Roadhog and his fun hooks
Game was fun for 1-2 years and become stale later. Beta wasn't more fun, it was just new, you are retard eot
>games boils down to who can throw the better ULT
People think this is fun?
>OW is dead on arrival!
>OW will be dead in a year!
>OW will be dead in two years!
>OW will be dead when X comes out!
>OW won't surpass a couple hundred thousand players!
>OW is already losing millions of players!
>Everyone is already bored of OW!
>OW will be dead by the next patch!
>OW will be dead by the end of the season!
>OW is bleeding money! I just know it!
>40 million sales are nothing!
>90% of those sales are free weekenders! Just trust me!
>It literally takes 20 minutes to find a game!
>Overwatch? More like Shieldwatch!
>Overwatch is not even an FPS!
>Overwatch 2 means Overwatch is dead!
>Overwatch is on its last legs!
>Valorant will kill OW!
>OW is practically non-existant!