Post you're toons.
Post you're toons
>post your toons
Why is she naked?
Is this real or modded?
>tfw wow best race was ruined by futafags and that one sfm video
She's not.
Modded retconned WoW races look like a cheap gook MMORPG. A net improvement I guess.
>fellow males, post the female avatars you play as
>He doesn't play as a woman
>He likes to stare at man ass all day
Magic is powered by lust.
if you play female characters in video games then you should be sent to a death camp.
A healthy guy will never choose to play a female character over a male one if there is such option in the game. Only a mentally ill freak would do that, like a tranny or gay. Or a person who doesn't care about the game's setting and immersion, a retarded tryhard wannabe pro streamer who is interested only in mechanics and numbers.
If you play female characters in games then do everyone a favour and cut your balls off with a rusty knife and die from gangrene, tetanus or some shit.
>but i dont wanna stare at males ass whole day thats gay lol!!!
The ultimate tranny faggot excuse used by retards in WoW. You are playing a game about a war in a medieval high fantasy world, if it even crosses your mind to look at ass then you should be euthanized. What does your father think of his son who plays some sissy shit online instead of some troll berserker, dwarf mountain king, orc warlord, etc? Jk, freaks like you grow up without fathers.
You better like it, bitchboy. Now kneel down and start sucking
>He cares what gender other people play as in video games
literally me
>he's too insecure to play with a female character in a fucking MMO of all genres
Now that's sad.
>staring at your character's ass
gay or not, you're still a faggot
>Being so uncomfortable with your sexuality you chastise others for being comfortable with theirs
Come back in a few years after you transistion, you closeted gaylord
>caring about MUH IMERSHUN.
Look at this faggot over here
I only play female characters because i always get free shit by random simps
why do you assume it's automatically cooming time when playing a game?
>Elin screenshot
>not posting butt
You're doing it wrong
>sent to a death camp
Hmm, wants to stifle sexuality AND send people to death camps? Sounds like the Juice.
choke on cock faggot
is this a jellyfish? wtf is this
you first jigg
Ivara from Warframe. Is a special jellyfish skin for her.
looks neat. shame about the boring gameplay.
i like that the world has much more depth to it compared to the last mmo i sank my time into
user. I think you're gay
Lmao ur game is literally getting shut down
fuckin based, male power fantasy > coomer fantasy
>he doesn't do both at the same time
>What does your father think of his son who plays some sissy shit online instead of some troll berserker, dwarf mountain king, orc warlord, etc?
He always played as a girl in pokemon games because "they were hot" so I don't think he would mind
Post the link
Don’t have any screenshots on my phone but here’s a WIP commission of my miqo’te
Bully me because she’s generic tan and blonde idgaf I love her exactly how she is
god I miss wildstar
tits too small, not thicc enough
This looks really good