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>When you're so shit that a lukewarm "s'alright" after nearly two years of updates is considered a victory


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>mostly positive
The only people playing this now are the ones who were diluted enough to enjoy the base game

it was mixed when it was put on steam
are they deleting bad reviews?

Not Bethesda since they suffered that horrible reputation damage.
The name fallout is looked at negatively to most people now

>role-playing game

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Look it was inevitable they'd update it into a workable game. After that launch if they didn't turn shit around not even diehard fans would buy whatever piece of shit they make next.

Nothing has changed though, they just swapped some of the robot questgivers for human NPCs

No. People are actually playing the game and making up their own minds instead of mindlessly jumping onto the Beth bad circlejerk like you.

I honestly don't know why normalfags are so bothered by this game. Fallout 4 is even worse because it pretends to be a RPG, but it's a shallow piece of shit. At least 76 is a completely different thing.

this was one of the biggest gaming blunder and no one should support this

>still missing basic online multiplayer features such as text chat
>still riddled with bugs that have been present since Fallout 4
>has since launch been filled with all sorts of microtransactions
>added inconveniences to the game and then tries to get you to pay for the luxury to remove them
>can't play in private servers without paying for them
>no mod support
>poorly optimized, runs choppy on even the best graphics cards
>dreadful balance, PvP is weighted heavily against an RNG gear system that is downright unreasonable to optimize for (you can put 100+ hours in to the game and not see a single piece of decent PvP gear, but because the game is full of hackers and exploits PvP focused players are already kitted out in the best possible gear).

No thanks.

>"Beth bad!"
Spoken like a true drone

but it says 'mostly positive' user? why would steam lie to me?

What would it take for you to stop defending bethesda? Genuinely curious.

76 was an awful game at launch user and you parroting the word drone won't change that.

Should I get this game?

Oh and another thing
>PvE balance is also fucked at the wazoo
>Guns deteriorate stupidly fast
>For example turning a laser rifle in to an automatic laser shotgun will cause it to deteriorate after firing for 3 seconds
>Weapon mods are locked behind a % chance of getting them whenever you scrap a weapon, meaning that finding mods for a rare weapon is absolutely awful
>Heavy weapons, despite having the highest ammo costs and highest maintenance cost, do pathetic amounts of damage for no good reason.

In the end Todd always wins.

FO4 has potential for sandboxing that FO76 simply does not, thanks to mods, so you can just ignore the whole RPG thing in favour of building your ideal sex slave dungeon.

it doesn't matter how shit it is. if you still have the faithful few dropping more and more money on top of it, you make more money than you ever would if you just made a good game.

So what changed since release that improved the game?

at least fallout 4 is playable and has mods

its a brain dead game to play whilst watching tv or listening to a podcast. i got it at launch back in 2018 dropped it 2 months after and picked it up again this week because i got it free on steam. even with the npc updates its a 6/10

>people who are retarded enough to buy this game are also retarded enough to recommend it

>Beth bad
this but unironically.
their best games are only playable with mods.

Short answer is youtube. There are a lot of these dumbass opinion youtubers constantly feeding these retards with anger and hatred towards bethesda and FO76, the end result is you get a bunch of ultra butthurt haters who have gone completely insane.

most of the people reviewing are people who got it for free and just activated it on steam.

there are many free titles that offer far more depth and grinding if you really want than this does.

that's no excuse. if you just like shitty games just admit it.


have sex

OH! Another thing!
>The game's economy is completely fucked
>Can only be described as scammers scamming scammers
>Infinite caps bugs mean people are maxed out with in-game currency
>Legendary items can be/have been duplicated any number of times needed
>You can create new characters to act as storage mules, and these sorts of characters loaded with literally thousands of broken OP weapons exist
>People selling OP weapons will be selling them at ridiculous amounts of currency to people who already fundamentally have infinite money anyway
>As soon as the transaction is done, both players will go to their duped storage and make up the loss.

i did admit it user so whats the whinge?

>Yas Forums BTFO out again and is on suicide watch

Yeah, I think you're right.

I'm literally not bothering with this game until we get a One Tamriel styled update where enemies are scaled to your level specifically.

>Go to mines
>Enemies are Lv80 because a late-game player sneezed in the area
>I'm Lv15


I am enjoying it to a certain degree but I honestly wouldn't recommend this game to anybody. Every time I think about this game doesn't have text chat, I just want to grab a megaphone, and shout what the is hell is wrong with you right next to the ear of a FO76 dev.

>enemies are scaled
Dumbest fucking idea in video games

does it have voice chat at least

why is there so much blur and dof in the game even when dof turned down?

It's not that they're scaled that's the issue, it's that they're scaled to the highest level character in the area for the next hour. It makes traversing the map a fucking nightmare for anybody Lv

Honestly Bethesda still loses out in a way. Bethesda wanted the MMO audience, the 2nd most gullible and spend-happy audience after gatcha players. Turning Fallout 76 into an actual Fallout game has helped them sell the game to players that wanted a campaign, but these players aren't going to engage in spending money to show off in multiplayer since they will avoid the Atom shop and the multiplayer components.

MMO players will spends hundreds of dollars on subscriptions and thousands on microtransactions, which is the audience they wanted but failed to get.

I've never played 76 but I always thought it was a dumb idea since it basically invalidates leveling up. Level 1? The enemies are scaled to you to provide X amount of challenge. Level 50? The exact same but now you have more spell/equipment/whatever variety. Always felt dull and pointless to me but whatever

So after all this time did anything change, is the game anymore RPG than 4 now, cause MMO-loot'n'shoots are unappealing as fuck.

Nobody who likes the game will buy it only to leave a bad review with how long its been out

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No, nothing changed. They just put a dozen or so human NPCs instead of robots

Oh fantastic, so it's still complete shit then, fucking hell this unholy union of the worst elements of MMOs and Bethesda's business practices never ceases to disappoint does it?

Everyone who isn't a retard.

Yes but the people who use it are super rare. Text chat is the only way to go

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nice game btw

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There are people out there who enjoy eating literal shit. Am I gonna be upset about it?
No, but I am disappointed.

why do people say this bullshit? it is free to activate on steam if you own it already.

It's a lot more RPG than 4 now. It has a full campaign, factions, and companions.

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Why is unlocking the backpack in the game have to be the hardest thing on the planet, what the fuck was bethesda thinking?

yes the power armor pipboy hud wasn't designed for a FOV slider, your point?

I’m not buy this shit game Todd shill #4533. Only a drone would give Bethesda a third or fourth chance.

my point is this game should support higher fovs as people tend to have a monitor larger than 15" by now