The event begins with a trailer for Gears Tactics on Xbox One, with a surprise shadow drop. Then...

The event begins with a trailer for Gears Tactics on Xbox One, with a surprise shadow drop. Then, we get a quick teaser for Gears 6 that’s more of a confirmation that it’s happening than an actual trailer.

Next, we get a demonstration of the Xbox Series X, We see new features, like the return of snap mode and the ability to have one game being played by one person while another person plays a different game.

Next we see Friendly Fear, a survival horror game by Playdead that will be published by Xbox, and will also release in 2021 for the Series X and the Xbox One.

Ori and the Dark Leaves is a stand-alone expansion for Ori and the Will of the Wisps to release in August.

A sizzle reel for indie games is shown, most importantly showing a port of Undertale for the Xbox One.

The new Battletoads gets a name, being Battletoads: Re-Turboed, and it is announced to be a Series X launch title. Also, another Rare game is announced, being a full remake of Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Nuts and Bolts, being called the Banjo-Threeie pack.

A reboot of Brink is announced as a multiplat game, being developed by the developers of Prey.

A remake of Dino Crisis announced, following suit of the remakes of RE2 and 3.

The original Phantasy Star Online will have its servers revived for the Xbox One.

Star Wars: Battlefront III is announced to be released at the Xbox Series X’s launch.

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The Fable Albion Collection is announced as a Series X launch title, with the conformation that Fable IV is in the works.

Forza Motorsport 8 is announced as a launch title for the Series X.

Sea of Thieves II is announced for the summer of 2021 as a Series X exclusive.

Grounded gets a new gameplay trailer.

Xbox announces that they have acquired yet another studio, this time being FromSoftware.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II gets a gameplay reveal trailer, and it will be a launch title for the Series X.

Perfect Dark Red is confirmed as a full sequel for Perfect Dark, developed by Double Fine instead of Rare.

Dead Rising 5 is announced for the Series X, being developed by PlatinumGames and releasing as a launch title.

ReCore II is announced for spring 2021.

Cyberpunk 2077 gets a final trailer, with a small teaser for The Witcher IV, confirmed as a Series X timed exclusive.

Age of Empires IV is announced, with it being a future-themed Age of Empires game, a la Alpha Centauri.

Splinter Cell is being remade for the Series X as a launch title, with conformations for remakes of Chaos Theory and Pandora Tomorrow.

Halo Infinite gets gameplay shown, along with a plot reveal, and it is announced as a Series C launch title.

And finally, we get a fakeout ending, before we get that one more thing. In this instance, it is an announcement of a new Crimson Skies game to be a launch title for the Xbox Series X.

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You actually wasted moments of your life coming up with this.

Wait, Double Fine Perfect Dark? WHAT?

Fromsoftware is already owned, dumbass.

>sea of thieves
now we know microsoft is going to release it's fucking nothing tier games but cmon son

>Xbox announces that they have acquired yet another studio, this time being FromSoftware.

Bud,are you on drugs?

What kind of an xbox cope is this

How does that preclude MS buying them? MS are going to announce a major Japanese studio in a month or so. Why not From?

>Kadokawa giving up FromSoft
fake and gay

>Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, and Nuts and Bolts, being called the Banjo-Threeie pack.

If only.

What the fuck is Series C ?
And, you wasted your time, almost none of these shit is real

How does Cyberpunk get a final trailer when MS's events are likely in May and June, but Cyberpunk is coming in September?

Fake and gay. You couldn't even come up with something plausible like Platinum porting W101 to Series X, or something.

He meant to hit X and hit the C key next to it.

Jesus, absolutely zero interesting games there.

>Recore II

>Age of Empires IV

Again ? the game was already announced dumbass

>Perfect Dark Red is confirmed as a full sequel for Perfect Dark, developed by Double Fine instead of Rare.

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Look at all that



Why would MS announce the most powerful console first and then still wanna sell an underpowered one?

>Sea of Thieves II is announced for the summer of 2021 as a Series X exclusive.
Thanks for reveling this is fake.
SoT is still getting new content and Rare already has new game in development, Everwild.

This is an Xbox E3 leak.

most powerful
most affordable
i'm sure someone's writing the tagline somewhere

Honestly? Some of these games could be real like Perfect Dark R or DeadRising 5.

Fake and gay LMAO

t. Xbot

>sea of thieves is getting new content

SoT just came out. Don't expect a sequel for a while.

I didnt read OP’s long ass post but man I would absolutely love of MS bought Fromsoftware. The Sonyroach meltdown would be an event to be told for many future generations, and we still get their games on PC so nothing changes. Win win.

Damn user you really had to bring Recore into this didnt you?

It did extremely well. It's probably one of the most successful Xbox games this gen, not mention Rare's biggest success in a while.

i think capcom would make more of a fallout, but in the end i'm not fond of less people able to play stuff

lol wtf I thought it was the biggest first party trashfire of this gen

I think its the biggest new IP game for the Xbox.

That's what triggered you off and not the Brink reboot?

>Series X exclusives

Which gaming site/forum would have biggest meltdown?

OP your faggotry is on a nintentard level. no one on xbox wants more banjo and kazooie. only nintardos on /v did/do. i hope your dad gets raped, your mom leaves and becomes a man, and your dog and sister get married. never post here again. your level of retardation is too extreme for even this shitty forum.

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>Dead Rising 5 is announced for the Series X, being developed by PlatinumGames and releasing as a launch title.
why the fuck would platinum be developing a Capcom game

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>not the Brink reboot?
Jesus christ I didn't even see that

>Even Xmutt fanfiction doesn’t have good games, just more irrelevant gears halo and forza trash.

3 consoles, still not even 1 exclusive worth playing, sad, why does Xbox even exist?

I didn't even bother reading the leak. The first line with Gears Tactics being a shadow drop put me off, and when I skimmed and saw SoT, that solidified that it's bullshit.

>why does Xbox even exist?
To fill that empty space in your head. For free of course.

>buying a console for exclusives that you finish in under 20 hours.
Never understood the exclusive meme and unless you get pure exclusivity on a game like Battlefield, cod or FIFA then its just not worth picking a console for.

Good joke user

Its pretty much Rare's No Man Sky.
It released with no content, but over time it got a lot of content and it they were free.

>dino crisis remake but no dragons dogma 2
>Witcher IV tease

Banjo-Threeie Pack sounds so good. Much better than Banjo-Redooie

> Not the remake of 3 Banjo's games in packaged name Banjo Threeie

I think this would be the biggest explosion

To play my 4k 60fps porn videos T. Xbot

>American company buying a Japanese studios
Lmao op

>Why not From?
It's Tabatas new studio.

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Seems like every sight is overrun with Sonyroachs nowadays. Fucking Nvidia has made PC gaming so expensive that it feels like we have more pspoorfags than ever.

>no Conker

Unironically has a better chance of coming back than Banjo.


>a big japanese studio is going to let some gajin company buy them

god you have no idea what you're talking aout

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They have no I'll blood between them, despite what shitposters want you to believe. ExPlatinum devs even worked on REmake 3 (which is why it's garbage).
Still, this shit is fake and gay. A Dino Crisis remake? There hasn't been any leaks or information about a new DC in the works. The last bit of info we got was that a new entry was possibly going to get green lit but was cancelled.

Is Psychonauts 2 just never ever coming out

>Next we see Friendly Fear, a survival horror game by Playdead that will be published by Xbox
Playdead just recently signed a publishing deal with Epic though.

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Fake leakers don't even bother putting effort anymore, 5 minutes on google and you would already know that half the stuff you made up has already been deconfirmed by devs OP

>Ori and the Dark Leaves is a stand-alone expansion for Ori and the Will of the Wisps to release in August.

Looks like someone doesn't know the game ending lmao Faaaaake

>no one on xbox wants more banjo and kazooie.
Speak for yourself, fag.

>what is tango gameworks

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in your wet dreams, amerilard

>sea of thieves 2
>Bought from software

If true, these alone won Xbox the gen

>ReCore II is announced for spring 2021.
>Ori and the Dark Leaves is a stand-alone expansion for Ori and the Will of the Wisps to release in August.
God I wish this was true.

>Microsoft has billions to pour into anything
>Still will come last 9th generation

What does that tell you about MS as a game company?

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>one game being played by one person while another person plays a different game
stopped reading there


>343i (Halo)
>The Coalition (Gears Tactics, Gears 6)
>Playground Games (Fable Reboot and Forza Horizon Japan)
>Compulsion Games (spiritual successor to Bioshock)
>Worlds Edge (Age of Empires 4)
>Undead Labs (State of Decay 3)
>Mojang (Minecraft, Minecraft Dungeons/more Minecraft spinoffs)
>The Initiative (Perfect Dark Reboot)
>Ninja Theory (Hellblade 2, Project Mara)
>RARE (Everwild)
>Turn10 (Forza Motorsport 8)
>Obsidian Entertainment (Skyrim-clone, Outer Worlds 2?)
>MSGP funding more 2nd and 3rd party games like Flight Simulator, Cuphead, Killer Instinct or Ori
>inXile Entertainment (Wasteland 3 and FPSRPG)
>Double Fine (Psychonauts 2)
>acquiring Tabatas new japanese studio
>the best versions of multiplats
>native 4k 60fps
>actual backwards compatibility
>GamePass ($1 a month to play almost 200 games)
>not censoring games unlike Snoy

Sony is LITERALLY on life support next-gen when the immaculate Phil Spencer BTFOs the fuck out of Sony with the Beastbox Sex!

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