Uuuhhhh, hello? Based department?

Uuuhhhh, hello? Based department?

Attached: Gamers.png (940x1296, 642.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>giving a fuck about this shit

Attached: 555 come on now.jpg (960x882, 59.41K)

>Why yes, I'm a gamer, how could you tell?

Attached: file.png (232x385, 63.42K)

>this fag who can’t into irony

Why is his name blacked out? Is it because you got this from reddit?

Finally someone stepped up to tell those stupid causals and femoids what's up. I can smell the Gamer revolution in the air, it's right around the corner.

He's unironically right though.

>43000 hours spent gaming
>that's literally 5 full years

Jesus what the fuck?

Guy probably doesn't like DS2... Casual.

>Blizzdrones be like

No he's not. Imagine unironically calling yourself a "gamer" and gatekeeping this word. Imagine going outside, having to introduce yourself to somebody and saying "Yeah, I'm a real gamer. Fuck fake gamers". Literal autist.

Attached: 1513317848168.jpg (1019x969, 97.59K)

go back to animal crossing and bing bing wahoo casual


Attached: 1537985884776.png (448x421, 284.85K)

So much to be prideful of.

yeah, imagine being someone who has spent their entire life being heavily invested in a form of media and being elitist about it. i mean, nobody would actually-


oh. right. you're just a retard.

>being proud of consuming kids media
Okay gamers.

Attached: 1559934565319.png (791x709, 562.41K)

>comparing consumer and creatives

because its him.

not everyone is too insecure to be proud of enjoying a hobby they spend time on. you're just a pussy.

your little pussy ass would still be whining "c-cringe!!" if the post was made by a "creative" anyway. don't lie, you little bitch.

>obsessed with cuckoldry
>thinks he has any ground to stand on looking down on others
Peak retardation.

Imagine making hobbies part of your core identity

>local gorilla bodyslams the elephant in the room

Have sex

Based. Females = cancer.

Yes, what about it?
OK, bend over.


The only people who complain about gatekeeping are the people the gate was meant to keep out.

>console gamer attempting to gatekeep anyone from "real gaming"
oh the bittersweet irony

>challenge and skill
>lesbo forest simulator

It's from facebook.

god lord WoW tards are mentally ill

>Yes, what about it?
It's tremendously shallow, like deriving your sense of self-worth from your job