>go to an island to sell turnips
>see this
what do you do?
Go to an island to sell turnips
I would ask him what the drug policy is
What am I looking at here? I'm getting a strange nostalgic feeling
Steal the boom box
Constantly leave and rejoin, forcing everyone to watch the cutscene endlessly.
A toll booth in essence to provide money for access to high selling prices for turnips.
This, fuck cucks that do this shit.
mongoloids who take all the fun out of a fucking childrens game need to be sent to the gulags
People are blocking turnip selling locations in Animal Crossing and charging a fee to visitors
someone who is experienced in turnip sells. You can't steal anything. You can't wreck anything. You can't sell anything without paying fee first. New Horizon needs a villager tracker so you can track everyone that's visiting your island.
That's pretty smart ngl. I remember this same shit happening in Habbo hotel too
minus out
Enjoy it since people are doing what AC is about, making a custom island and roleplaying it how you see fit in a rpg game
ask the friendly guard to kill the tranny degenerate with a shotgun
He bought?
drop a money bag containing only 100 bells and run to nooks as fast as I can when they go for it
Whack the black guy with my net over and over until he shuts off his Switch
That'll be 100k Bells plus tip
Holy moly, this is good! I wanna try this just for the LOLs
Have a like good sir!
i get fencing things off if you have a lot of flowers. bouncer is dumb
Should have just duped bells. You're already basically cheating by going to high buying islands anyway.
Anybody want Flora?
Doing island tours and didn't want to run off someone else's favourite.
Drop the money
Sell my turnips
Wait until a new player comes
Wait until the new player drops his money
Grab it
Get away over minus menu
The only one who needs to be sent to a gulag is you fuckhead, you’re an animal crossing communist terrorist.
thanks I'm doing this
You do know he can just block you, right? At worst you’ll cause him 2 minutes until he closes the games and blocks you.