XP awarded from single killed enemy and retained after game over so you can't adjust difficulty

Wait hang on... Am I getting this shit right about experience points? You retain all XP from a failed battle?
I don't know what else the game over screen is trying to communicate and suddenly I noticed after I died to some guard dogs for dumb reasons I was learning from, I suddenly mopped the floor with them and wasn't even able to try staggering them like before.
What the fuck?
This is retarded design.

Attached: Are-you-hyped-for-FF7R-or-does-Square-Enix-have-800x400.png (800x400, 256.23K)

Speak english fucking spic

I would presume they dont expect you to lose to MOBs like a scrub

The XP is a consolation prize

>restart the biker battle against speed demon because it went below 80% hp and trying to get the trophy
>get full hp
What the fuck

You should be able to pick out what he was trying to say, but I share the sentiment.Here's my guess at a corrected version:

>XP *that is* awarded from *every* single killed enemy a̶n̶d̶ *is* retained after *every* game over so you can't adjust difficulty

Isnt that the definition of grinding?

Its grinding with no chance of failure.

I think so that if you save before a boss fight but can't go back to previous sections you can still grind if you want to

I almost never died in this game on normal though, the entire game is pretty easy once you get Aerith who is extremely OP

the whole concept of grinding is to avoid failure

Oh shit I didn't realize I did that.
I'm on mobile? I don't know how yhat would make me fuck up my grammar so bad I miss entire words but whatever.
Anyway was right.

Well now it doesnt matter. Grind that hard enemy for double experience with no items, barely survive, suicide and go again.

Heaven forbid we get a boss that spans trash mobs, you just auto grind and die before the finish

>well it doesnt matter, i can just grind and win every fight lol

Not that user and not saying what that user was saying, but yeah. And you can do it OPTIONALLY.
This baby shit doesn't give you a fucking option the game is just mocking you for failing.

How the fuck do I set the text to Japanese?

OP here.
No. Grinding means you keep winning against weaker enemies.

At least part of the reason I was fucking up was actually because I was trying out strategies while trying to get materia from that one kid for doing certain stuff in battle so it's really annoying to me.

>Set text to Japanese
Uh... You buy the Japanese version?

Is this a fucking joke

What game are you even talking about?

If you're on ps4 and there's no text option ingame try setting your OS language to japanese and see if that works. If it doesn't the international version has edited out the JP text

>No. Grinding means you keep winning against weaker enemies.
No, grinding is simply the repitition of an activity.
Take FFIX, you can grind Grand Dragons in Disc 1. That's not winning agaiinst weaker enemies.

Final Fantasy VII Remake. It says in the OP image.

is she? She does fuck all damage, I just made her a cleric like she seems like she would be. The ward is pretty nice for double casting magic though, is that what makes her op?

>seeing game over screen, ever
You lost the game, time to uninstall. The game.

Suicide is not grinding, Grinding implies you are actually killing enemies

Surely it's okay to see the game over screen when replaying on Hard?

Okay but that's common and also losing is still not the definition of grinding.

Generally speaking, grinding means you're working for a reward. You generally do it deliberately. You don't generally grind by fucking losing and it's not something everyone wants to do. Especially if they want to get better or want to try things out. Dying intentionally to learn something about the me mechanics or whatever should be fine.

And also, even as grinding is repetitious, it is still far less shitty and more rewarding if you do so by winning and not by fucking losing not to mention it's actually not always easy.

This is another thing that grinda my gears. Why do games need unlockable (basic) hard mode?

I don't give a fuck, I was just correcting a retarded statement.

And it is often done on weaker enemies than the one your grinding against I'd it's for XP or something.

Generally involves weaker enemies. I think I read the post I replied to wrong in my own blind rage.

Yeah. Fair enough. See the other post I just made...

Also kinda retarded.
You can grind a boss, you're just grinding for favourable low probability outcomes.

Doesn't work, that's so fucking dumb holy shit

FFVIIR's Hard Mode isn't a Hard Mode in the traditional sense. It's a mode that's intended to be played at max level after you've completed the game once, where you can't just grind up to win with bigger numbers, you have to employ the right strategy and not fuck up.

Hard mode is just bullshit mode

Lots of games these days have hidden difficulty adjustment, dmc5, re2, re3 etcetc

Git Gud.

Epic post

Grinding just means doing the same thing over and over.

Suicide mining in older Monster Hunter titles, for example.

There's no reason you can't grind by doing something, and then dying. In fact, that's common; if it's faster to grind that way, why wouldn't you?

I'm sorry you have a preconceived notion of what something should be, and can't accept a slightly different way of doing something that just ends up saving you time.

I will say it should be a feature you can toggle though, in my opinion.

Retarded ESL phone poster kill yourself

Why do you want to set the TEXT to Japanese?

I'd understand the voices, but obviously you can read English.

I want to set the whole game in Japanese

Anyone calling Hard Mode Bullshit Mode is just shit at the game 'cause Normal Mode babied them.

Why though?

You can change the voices. Are you trying to use it as a tool to learn nip?

I completed it on hard mode though, it's just not fun and you always have to lose at least once to come back with the right equipment, it's annoying