How do we fix the horror genre?

How do we fix the horror genre?

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how indeed

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That can't be real

Horror is a dead genre unless your underage.

ask clive barker

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Learn that pitch black isn't atmosphere.

Poorly programmed deep learning AI

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one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

Did what? Theyre just standing there

so was he until he did it

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jump scares != horror
tension == horror

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what is it about this stuff that's so gross and uncomfortable?


what the fuck is wrong with you

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take a guess

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>i didn't even have time to eat fries

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It's like uncanny valley meets H.R Giger, that's why.

He didn't fly so good

jesus christ i was eating

Called the cops. Have fun user


Holy shit it's getting good. The old ones were nightmare inducing

It's almost like that non-euclidean titjob.

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If there was a way of generating deep dream-style image fuckery fast enough to do in real time you bet your ass horror devs would jump on it.

>Uhhh cyberpolice, yeah it's me, the faggot, there's this video in the hacker site known as 4chinz that I don't like

The type of gaming that made for good Horror Games is no longer marketable (tm).

The curve would be too difficult for 90% of reviewers to muster.

Imagine that faggot reviewer that botched Cuphead trying to play boomer technology like Dino Crisis 1.


Imagine being this much of a worthless newfag and still thinking your posts are worth making.