>tfw can't pick who to romance
Send help lads.
Just go for the new girl. The subtext is there throughout the game and she's in love with Joker no matter what.
This whore and kawakami make me sick
Funny how she's by far the worst addition in Royal. chi...
low test detected
>hag chaser
>mommy issues
Lowest test possible
>just randomly shows up in Sae's palace and helps you
Only playable in the final dungeon in the final month of the game. Get excited OP. Hope that $60 will pay itself off when you replay the original P5's story/dungeons to reach the new content after the 140 hours mark of remixed dialogue and more padded cutscenes.
>Futaba texts you to remind you about the same thing the plot discussed
>Cutscene of Futaba talking with someone else about what she just texted you
$60 of truly unique and new game content for P5 Royal.
Nice Cope-y pasta hope to see it in future threads
Atlus is going to make you love the new forced waifu whether you like it or not.
There's something really offputting about her design
I love my wife Ann.
Is there any reason to play Royal if I've already played the base game?
it's clear she's just a genderbent Joker
Is she actually that bad?
She's boring as shit and only serves as a plot device to make Maruki appear as a bad guy. She's also shoved down your throat 10 times harder than Marie ever was.
New SLs, changes to combat, changes to SL, changes to dungeons, new story shit
No. Watch the new content on YouTube over a few days.
She's hot as shit in her Phantom Thief costume
>shoved down your throat 10 times harder than Marie ever was
>10 times harder
Okay now i find that fucking hard to believe, marie was egregious in how forced she was, i bet you never have to listen to the gymnast girl's poetry.
Kawakami, Takemi, or Ohya
Makoto hate thread when?
How do we fix Persona bros...
lmao, she looks retarded
are there any new romance scenes with the old confidants?
Her mask pisses me off, it's so retarded
Yeah I don't know what that guy played. She gets like one new scene a month and her social link is short as fuck. If she was forced then she wouldn't only be joining you in the final dungeon
Nah. She's kind of bland, but not offensive in anyway like Marie. The only people who despise her are people who are already hardcore waifufags who already have a character who feel like she shafted their waifu out of new content, people who don't like Atlus remake girl on principle or people who don't like the game now having an implied love interest.
Revised Christmas date and new White Day day.
Better implementation than M*rie but that's about it.
I've seen the pics of her with her hair down and glasses on and she looks cute
Yeah a White Day scene with voice acting and extra max rank dates I think
When Joker moves after being accused of a crime he didn't commit, he learns why Japan is a hellhole. To counteract this obvious problem, his dream female is an American that actually understands that preventing rape is a good thing.
Well I mean all the girls are implied love interests or Joker since they all end up romantically attracted to him, this is just her game so she gets it in big bold letters i guess.
>waifufags who already have a character who feel like she shafted their waifu out of new content
Harufags didn't have content before and will have to cope with nothing now
my bird bride
Why didn't they add a romance option for Sae?
What happens if you dont max her or maruki or both?
you get BTFO
Should I buy royal? I have p5 already but played it ages ago at release and honestly would mind another go through with new content and all these unrape threads have shilled this game for me way harder than any ad ever could
I don't understand why you call her a bird
>Don't max Maruki
You get the original ending
>Don't max Kasumi
You don't get to do the second half of her confidant
you turn gay, sorry user.
If you're craving another playthrough already then yeah.
The game pushes the new girl hard as Joker's love interest, but its more on her side since it becomes super obvious she's in love with him and it does kind of tie into how she's able to move past the issue that she has. Marie's big issue was her personality was utter shit while Kasumi is much more demure. Marie's social link pretty much turned into the the random IT member that showed up saying how great Marie was while Kasumi is purely one-on-one interaction with Joker. Design-wise also Marie was designed to stick out so she never blended with the cast while Kasumi blends in fine with the cast. They also went to some effort so Kasumi exists outside of her coop and gets story scenes spread out throughout the base game while Marie pretty much only existed during her social link until her dungeon.
Maruki locks you out of the third semester and not maxing Kasumi means you can't do her last 5 ranks during the third semester.
Kawakami is the best , but jesus christ did Haru was the only person who made me feel bad, but holy shit Rejecting "Kasumi" destroyed me. the game really wanted you to date her, even in her SHOWTIME with Joker, next run I might just go for her just because