Am I the only one who would prefer if Animal Crossing was a little more like the Sims?

Am I the only one who would prefer if Animal Crossing was a little more like the Sims?
Having to take care of your villager's needs and such.
Like what's the point of making a cool ass kitchen if at the end of the day it's just decoration and you are never going to use anything? Same with bathrooms or whatever.
Decorating is cool but it would be better if furniture actually served a purpose.

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hell no i would hate that mechanic, as if we don´t have enough with the breakable tools

great thread op

Thanks bro.

It's raining on my island. Come fish if ya want.

Make sure to behave

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Gladys is still teaching the cutting board DIY recipe. Come in if you want it. Dodo code is JJ0PC.

If you take my fruit or flowers, I swear to God, I won't care, because holy fuck, it's a game, just have fun

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i would prefer if it was like state of decay

So is this the secret animal crossing thread? Because I'd like to visit some user's towns and sell turnips today.

What seeds are in your shop? I was already there but I forgot to check, I keep forgetting to check that when I visit other islands.

I literally have no idea.

I need an iron and stone recipe and I can trade a pink/blue lava lamp.

Where are the citrachads? Let's visit each other towns in New Leaf.

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Having to manage villager needs and stats is a pain in the ass.

I'm surprised by the lack of mini-games though. These seems like the perfect type of game to have some really simple ones.

Well go check, I don't want to backtrack for nothing.

>I'm surprised by the lack of mini-games though. These seems like the perfect type of game to have some really simple ones.
There's the treasure hunt and treasure hunt with half the amount of time you get normally, but that's about it as far as mini games are concerned.

Red - Hyacinth, Cosmos, Tulip
White - Cosmos, Hyacinth
Yellow - Tulip

Hoping the survivor minigames from the amiibo update comes back to this game, especially given the fact that it's island themed.

>Red Tulips

Aight, that's worth the effort. Spread those gates wide open... I'm coming inside.

How about a fucking please

You're welcome as long as you don't say anything.

I'm gonna get my flower seeds from that other dude's island, dump em in my house then I'll be on my way.

New leaf have tortimers island / mini games I’m sure in time they’ll come

What's wrong baby, don't you enjoy pillow talk?

No. As much as I loved the Sims, I wouldn't want that. However, some bonuses for food and drink would be nice beyond just digging up a tree or breaking a rock. I'd make it so you can grab a drink from a refrigerator, water cooler, etc. four times a day. New drink available at 5 AM, noon, 5 PM, midnight. You drink it right away so there's no inventory clogging. Gives you a speed boost to your working, slightly faster run speed, chop trees faster, dig faster, craft even faster than double tapping A.
Would make your furniture feel useful.

I wish I could make a proper kitchen but all the recipes I am getting from balloons and villagers are meme stuff like pear hats or apple chairs.

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How set in stone are turnip prices/patterns for the week? On Sunday, could you just timetravel to each of the next ten segments, check the prices, then go back to the original Sunday and purchase turnips knowing what time and day will have the best price? I don't timetravel and take the game 1 day at a time, but I think I might bend and do this if it's possible.

yeah my kitchen is a microwave and a cutting board on some aquariums.

Nips rot when you TT

They only rot if you go backwards and I meant check the prices before buying the turnips on Sunday.

>make a fun, interesting house
>have a fucking loading screen between each room
i agree with you though OP, not like villagers go into your house much and even if you had people over all they can do is sit down and spam A on random items.

oh well, such is life in AC

Turnip prices are set at the beginning of the week. Yes, you could time travel to see what they'll be before you buy. Or you could just use like everyone else and sell your stock for a good price whenever you want.

I'm not giving Nintendo money for their shitty online services, so I'm just playing the game with no multiplayer unfortunately.

Fair enough. Time travel is viable, then.

Appreciate it. I hadn't thought about it until this past week when I forgot to grab turnips, rolled back a few hours, purchased, and then set it back to normal. Then I realized today I could have just checked each day to know when would be the best time instead of hoping for a spike or something.

537 bells, lads. Abel sisters are selling casual kimonos if you need them. Grab some fruit and flowers if you want. Will probably be idle since I'm getting ready for work so get your asses in fast. Please leave a nice message on the board. Code's 87FLX.

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