Some games are forgotten

Some games are forgotten...

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Other urls found in this thread:

>remove Last Remnant from Steam
>release a Remastered version on PS4, Switch and even mobile
lmao PCu󠛡cks

How is dishonored forgotten?

No one talks about it.

>Last Remnant is now a broken mobile game
Thank God they removed that tripe from Steam

I doubt anyone remembers games like Shivers II or old FMV games, which is a shame.

I actually enjoyed Last Remnant a lot but I have apparently made a lot of mistakes in the beginning.

I don't think I and some couple of hundred thousands will never forget Dishonored, shit has a devout fanbase


There are last remnant threads from time to time though


I'm literally playing through it right now.

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It is pretty unknown.

Let's keep this way.

it had good music
or one good track at least

Remember to have fun.

Why do all western made vidya females have that angry kirby expression?

Dawn of War 3

D2 and it’s DLC sold poorly. Arkane games don’t sell well.

i didnt foget dishonored

That's because D2 was a mess

Maybe because D2 is shit?

last remnant 90 percent of your battles are 5minute long autoplay fights, really boring


D2 is fucking great

>if you kill everyone you meet in Dishonored the second part of the game is pure comfy pandemic/plague kino

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hey bro to each his own if you enjoy starting afight and then browsing Yas Forums to come back 5 minutes later to continue to the game, thats all you enjoy

dontnod is a real tragedy

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Supreme Commander.

no its a comedy

Dishonored is far from forgotten, it's a modern classic that people will always remember like Deus Ex, System Shock and Thief.
Prey2017 too.

You didn't play D2 I guess.