Post your waifu and r8 each others

Post your waifu and r8 each others

Attached: Oerba_Dia_Vanille_Final_Fantasy_XIII-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1280x720, 117.61K)

Not bad, not great but not bad.

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Muscle Tifa. Not the skinny version.

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Cute poison waifu.


Great arms so she can carry her gf.

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>Alien dominatrix

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Nice taste OP, I didn't really like ffxiii but she was cute

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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Based tard slut 7/10

Boring 5/10

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I'm a huge fucking faggot who has an affection with muscle tomboy.

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Generic anime slut/10

She's got a cute penis user, congrats.

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There is nothing wrong with that. You both can get fit together.

Alright sure.
Also please rate my waifu.

I don't know anything about her but she looks pretty cute. If she makes you happy then that is all that matters.

Thanks user.
BTW that's Kanna from Sakura Wars.

My wife Ann!

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game was bad but Vanille was a pleasant character to look at.

I love Aya Brea!

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how do you pick a favorite? ive played hundreds of games by now, theres no way to pick one

You'll know, you just haven't found her yet

Been dating since 4th grade

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Anne is my wife and the love of my life.

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Here's mine. I wish pokemon games were good.
I'm more of a fatfag but muscle Tifa is objectively the best Tifa.

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