Start using CRT shaders
Start using CRT shaders
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CRT nostalgia is the dumbest forced meme by a group of retarded boomers. I also use smoothing in retro games and have been since the GBA and DS emulators, faggot. Cry and justify that CRT monitor too.
> Cry and justify that CRT monitor too.
You're not the brightest kid are you
Why not just use an actual CRT?
Cumbersome, inconvenient, only accepts analog input
I have a CRT that I have a modded Wii and PS3 hooked up to, runs almost every older game I throw at it well.
Is this acceptable?
no that's awful
How about now?
easy on geometry warping there bruh
>Play SNES emulator in 2000
>impressed with clarity of the picture
>couldn't imagine people LARPing as CRT owners in 2020
If you have nostalgia, you'd use a real CRT. Autistic zoomers are something else
Those inputs are how the SOUL gets in
>go to friend's house the other day
>see a crt in the garage
>hey let me know when you want to get rid of that i'll take it
>user I was about to take it to the dump
>load it in the back of my car
>bring it home
>look it up on ebay
>If you have nostalgia, you'd use a real CRT.
a lot of retarded assumptions there m8
>Start using CRT shaders
Post some
Nowhere close to the retardation of fucking up your image quality on purpose. That's a byproduct, not a target. Why not run an 18khz tone and emulate tube whine?
> fucking up your image quality on purpose
it quite literally looks better with shader applied
Is the default config for the full royale shader decent? Pic related
I personally prefer xm29plus preset
>Fuzz up up the art assets
Yeah, music sounds better on wax cylinders, too
I don't expect an autist to understand
>CRT nostalgia is the dumbest forced meme by a group of retarded boomers.
>I also use smoothing in retro games
Now how about the ones that actually sold.
Legit cant go back after playing some games with a crt shader. It rounds out the pixels nicely.
Why do shaders make it look like it has an orange filter?
that's how it's supposed to look
I wouldn't expect an autist to be able to explain themselves or make an convincing argument
Thats just how their shader is configured
what crt shader is that?
Original for comparison
It's not nostalgia. These games were made to view on CRTs. They were developed on CRTs.
i tried royale but it has way too much bloom and the mask is way too fucking strong
and it had billions of options so I just used crt easymode instead.
Just playing around with that it seems to give a much more subtle effect.
and that's a good thing
That looks bad, OP's looks nice, is that the xm29plus?
thought it was an IPS vs TN comparison lmao