Maybe One day

>Maybe One day

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The Shitch would explode while trying to run Dark Souls 3

>people break their switch consoles playing the series
>nintendo wins again

Why are Nintendo fans so cringe?

>essential collection
maybe swap 3 with des and youve got a deal

Switch is a system so weak that its weakness hurts other systems. Nintendo should just pack it in and only make games for real consoles.

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>dark souls essential collection

why is 3 there

>Playing Daemon x Machina on PC
>The missions are super short and the levels are super tiny because the game was designed for the Switch, not unlike Valkyria Chronicles 2's tiny maps


>essential collection
But only the original is good, what is essential about 2 and 3?

>The Shin Megami Tensei franchise is Atlus' best franchise while Persona has always been inferior on the gameplay department, being style over substance
>The Shin Megami Tensei franchise is Nintendo exclusive and the newest SMT game is being developed for the Switch
>Switch fans still beg for Persona ports

It would be as retarded as Elden Ring being Switch exclusive and still making a twitter campaign to get Code Vein ported: literally eating fecal matter because you can't wait for your fine steak.

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DS2 fags out in force today

It isn't a visually impressive game

And neither Elden Ring nor SMT V exist nor will they ever exist

it is objectively a good looking game and far too intensive to run on a switch with no downgrade, if you genuinely think the switch could run DS3 you are retarded

It might not be that visually impressive but the Switch already struggles with DS Remastered.

What the fuck do you think is gonna happen if it tries to run Dark Souls 3?

Nintendo is the only company that makes profitable hardware. If anything, Sony and Microsoft should make games for Nintendo.

I agree that DS3 would struggle a lot on Switch, however DS was ported by litteral nobodies in China for 5 dollars and a duck, it could've run perfectly if Bandai wasn't so stingy

If it can run Witcher at 30fps it can run DS3 at 30fps.

Yes, it'll be a little blurry but it'll work.

>Cancel Vita and WiiU versions
>Majority of backers are on switch version
>Slap together a rough switch version to make release
>It's shoddy as fuck
>Vow to spend time fixing it

Literally what is wrong with this? Please go ahead and explain your logic. The majority of their customers where switch owners with the switch version.

This one example of one badly handled kikestarter is not the rule.

The mistake was cancelling the Vita and WiiU versions. Instead of changing platforms mid-development (which damaged the project) they should have stick to the original platforms and then release a Switch version a year or a year and a half later.

Nobody wanted to dust off their Wii U nor Vita mid 2019, that was the right call, I agree they should've taken more time for the Switch version, I'm positive it's still janky to this day

Not as cringe as people trying to pretend 3's a good DS game.

>souls1 is a good game until anor londo. After that it gets kinda medicore.
> souls 2 died thanks to bamco
>souls 3 is something they rebooted mid dev and basically made it linear, copy pasted bloodborne enemies, used the multiplayer excuse as major plotpoint and called it a day

>already struggles with DS Remastered.
What? It runs at native res on handheld

Reminder that anyone who likes 2 is a secondary that got into the series well after 2 came out. The reason they like 2 is because they played it at a time where it was old and hated for a long time and they thought to themselves
>yes! This is my chance! I can finally be contrarian now and cool now!
It’s like people getting into FFVIII now. It was always the worst entry in the series stuck between two good ones and because you weren’t there when it came out you can rationalize it not being that bad despite it being universally shit on.

>Switch already struggles with DS Remastered
Except it runs perfectly even at Blighttown? The only problem I recall was the audio being really shitty for some reason.

hexes are the best spells in the series and I just can't not love das2 for having them

SMT V is never ever coming. Get that through your head SMTcuck. Personachads rule now.

Nah they’re shit
Literally every spell in that game looks stupid too, just like how all the weapons look like oversized kids toys.

>Nobody wanted to dust off their Wii U nor Vita mid 2019
So? Not IGA's problem. The kickstarter was made upon those platforms and the initial terms should have been kept.
Now thanks to IGA's retardation everyone suffered and the final iteration of the product will never be released.

you're a retard
played 2 when it came out, loved it
played ff8 when it cameo it, loved it
both have some deep flaws but they're both a long way from being bad

dude you are delusional

Little blurry is an understatement

You have profoundly shit taste
Looks like I caught you