Jill Shiranui

Post your favorite sexy female mods from any game.

Attached: 4.jpg (1037x1440, 123.93K)

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any mods that fix her face yet?

Attached: 6072631b4a41e81d95d8b106fad6a40d52de6d9e4b5c7f32fbaca5879956587a.png (1916x1968, 3.11M)

butt too small

Jill is cute!!!!

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Too bad you can't mod out her bitchy snarky personality.

Attached: 134-1586976729-237835781[1].jpg (1920x1080, 433.21K)

that looks so bad

wait is that fixed now? saw that it was really buggy in the full game (eyes popping out her head for example) and completely breaks when jill switches costumes later in the game.


The face model is fine, it's the squareface animations not aligning with new shape that make it look odd.

that looks worse

nothing looks worse than the normal face

You really notice the square face now at least. They do this shit so that they don't have to rig new animations for different characters as far as I know, it's why Jill's head is the same size as everyone elses.

ok tranny

No idea, I just saw this like 10 minutes ago in news. I haven't played the game and don't plan to until they patch out Denuvo and it goes on 75% sale.

>goblin body
Thanks realistic representation of womyn in video games I guess

Attached: goblina cosplaying as Starfire.webm (940x460, 2.54M)

wtf is wrong with that body, it looks weird but i'm not sure how

is the torso too big?

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Is this Injustice 2?

>more goblina shilling
I'm starting to believe that one pic of a janny/mod having a discussion with some user and telling them how it's just some same 3-4 discord retards spamming this shit

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gib link to mod plz

It's just an hyper-realistic female body, which the West has been pushing for since forever.

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>it looks weird but i'm not sure how
because it's realistic. you don't go out much.

Oh no is it a strong womanz u r scared of?

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what the fuck is this abomination
holy fuck lmao

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>Face is modeled off a Russian model

Every RE character is basically Leon now, they just change the character's appearance/gender and keep the personality. That personality only works for Leon though.

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Time for Jill's snack~

Attached: BUGGED.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

That hair is really really cool

it's bizarre seeing reddit faggots say the new model is better because she "looks like a real woman" when she's based off a bigger model than voth iirc.

>no struggle
>eyes it sensually
>enjoys it and just wipes her mouth after
>wants to keep it but she gets sick from having to much cum in her gut
what did they mean by this?

Shame about the rest


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they want the Studio FOW audience now that they stopped making movies and are petreon scammers now