Ok so why did this part took 5+ years to make. It feels like it took 2 years to develop.
Ok so why did this part took 5+ years to make. It feels like it took 2 years to develop
How do you determine the length of time it "feels like something took to develop"
development did restart from scratch 2 years ago
There's a lot of sliding models in this game. Like Tifa when she goes behind the bar, or Red XIII after he wall runs and then gets into battle. Why is it games have this?
>How do you determine the length of time it "feels like something took to develop"
Not him, but many of the environments are simple linear hallways and the quests boil down to "run over here and press triangle. The boss fights and main character models look really good though.
What the fuck do you know about developing games you basement nigger
terrible planning led to huge parts of the game not being thought out. that's why it feels so inconsistent. sometimes it's a 9/10 game, then you get a section where it's horribly boring and a 5/10 game. they really needed a competent director who was willing to go smaller rather than try to make large sections and have the overall quality take a dive
>It feels like it took 2 years to develop.
You're probably just pretending to be retarded, but they did develop it in 2 years.
Compare it to a game that has more content but took less time to develop?
Hey, dont question our feelings, shill
Project mismanagement. When it was announced it was given to CyberConnect 2 for several years.
After a while Square Enix said this isn't remotely usable and fired them.
After that they took it for in-house development under Business Division 1 where it then became this classic.
Part 2 wont have that problem.
By comparing it to bigger games that took less time to make.
Nigger shut up, it's worth it for the porn alone. We just needed this game for the models, everything else is a bonus.
Nice cherrypicking. Now compare it to something like Skyrim or Fallout - NPCs never get all that much attention compared to main characters, and facial animation is always garbage. It's called budgeting.
What is it with Square Enix and having game development issues? Has any game in the HD gone through without issues?
because they're unironically ran by has been executives who rely on the occaisional triple A big hitters like this game to keep them chugging on and riding on the quality of their work in the 90's and early 00's.
I was absolutely shocked that I liked FF7re and was sure it was gonna be a disaster but it's a good game. It's clear development saw issues with shit like the smaller scope and awful textures but the game has enough quality to rise above them and probably has one of the best combat system post FFX which makes it more annoying that they can clearly make a good game if they had competent management that didn't greenlight 50 projects at once and sticking the same 3 directors on them and switching them around.
They could probably unironically make some 90's quality Square RPG's if they weren't retarded but here we are.
>facial animation is always garbage
Not exaggerating, FF7R has the most distractingly bad lipsyncing of any game I have ever played.
Did they even bother with the NPCs? They look like something from early last gen.
Does the lip-syncing at least match up with the Jap audio?
Two literal random NPCs compared to two other random NPCs lol. Fallout 4 NPCs also look better/the same.
TW3 facial animations are superior as well, as you can clearly see.
Fuck you nigger lover they could have gone to Costa Del So at least
I can't be sure but when I was playing I was under the impression they didn't bother to lip sync for English and used the FFX method of just writing the script to try and fit the mouthing of words as much as possible resulting in the bad lip syncing
*spams quen*
oh wow haha
Square being lazy
Every "real" cutscene is lipsyncced properly to their respective dubs. most, if not all of the sidequests uses a very bad procedural lipsyncing system though. From the looks of it, I wanna guess it's fully audio based.
It's not writing to fit the lipsync. The dub is actually lipsynced properly. It's writing to fit with gestures, body acting, and actual camera cuts that's the problem.
For example, if they're doing a shot-reverse shot of a dialouge in JP that say, would go 4 second> 7 seconds > 2 seconds, they're not gonna be able to fuck with that for the dubs, so they have to write the script taking the editing into account.
Only in cutscenes
That left screenshot is supposed to look good? Looks like a literal cartoon character, very bad lighting on the face too. Looks like something out of the PS3 era.
Cutscenes only
the right looks just as bad, friend
Such as?