This game seems kind of...bad.
Why does it feel so soulless?
This game seems kind of...bad
It’s like if Take Two told obsidian to turn bioshock infinite into a fallout game for the mass effect audience
It was an aggressively ok game and forgettable
Because it's bad and soulless.
I stopped playing it probably not even a quarter of the way through. The quests and characters aren't interesting and the combat / character progression are fucking pathetic.
It just seems like they had a theme of "commercialization / corporate cocksucking gone crazy" and that's it. They didn't bring anything else to the table.
I remember when my youtube recommendation was full of reviews for this game. Then few weeks later, all mentions are gone.
It's just an average game.
I unironically like the premise of an isolated star system bought by a group of corporations and run by middlemen and how it devolves into a macrocosm of corporate culture with a mix of feudalism as generations go by an nepotism is the order of the day. This works especially well with a unindoctrinated Colonist fresh from a cryotube but there are two problems: it isn’t adequately established how many generations have passed on the colony and it’s unclear if it’s culture exists on earth; the player character is unfamiliar with the customs and ethics of the colony, but the black humor backgrounds in character creation imply they have been exposed to similarly extreme corporatist society before leaving earth.
>Game has great RPG value
Obisidian sent the whole time sniffing their own farts about F:NV which is also shit, and made NV again
Combat/Game Mechanics were definitely an afterthought. It says something when you have less weapon variety than the original Doom.
>>Game has great RPG value
There's practically zero RPG value in Outer Worlds user, did you even play it?
Did you?
It was very heavily frontloaded, and seemed derivative in execution and presentation.
Try not being a buzzword spewing subhuman.
>"commercialization / corporate cocksucking gone crazy" is the theme
>is a shitty cashgrab
Yes. It's incredibly shallow and that's glaringly obvious once you get past the first hour or so fo the game.
Practically the only thing I can think of that's "great RPG value" is having low intel makes your character a literal retard ala FO1/2.
>It was very heavily frontloaded
I keep hearing this, and it baffles me, because I only played the "front" before I'd had enough of its bullshit, and uninstalled. It gets worse?
Soulless post.
Very accurate
Yeah, no shit. I'm glad I uninstalled after I got to that restricted planet. Monarch?
theres also a dash of Borderlands and No Man's Sky in there
Yup. That first planet that you land on and decide the side with the cannibal hippies or the factor workers is the best content the entire game has to offer. Everything after that is a significant drop in quality.
Because Cain and Boyarsky are old hasbeens and Obsidian's writing team is filled with 20-something year old danger color hair roasties. What the fuck did you expect? Boyarsky literally admitted Phineas is based on Rick from Rick and morty and that's all there is to his character ffs.
It's amazing how they managed to make a game worse than Fallout 4.
The game has a good premise but is executed poorly. Certain aspects in new vegas aren't present in Outer worlds. in new vegas you can drink from sinks, rivers, streams, back of toilets to regain health in the outer worlds you can't do this. You can only choose between two factions the Board or Dr Wells though how it's written there's no real reason to join the board. When you loot the clothing off a dead character they still keep the said armor on. Choices also don't really matter especially if you go for a psycho ending. In short the game is like a bland paste.
Was about to buy it. How really is it?
Exploring Monarch was one of the better parts of the game.
That poster is such a huge red flag.How did i never notice this.
This was a just a 3d text game with some bullet time effects