I thought the ending was kino, an I the only one?

I thought the ending was kino, an I the only one?

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You probably also like the story of Kingdom Heart, fag.

I didn't undersand it, but I liked it, it's fun theorising about it.

AT least it was more interesting than just a normal ending if it was 1:1

Probably in a minority, yeah. I really liked the vast majority of the game but the ending I felt was ridiculously over the top and simply escalated too much. We've barely left midgar and we're already slicing buildings in half, jumping hundreds of feet to one-winged angel, slaying dimensional incarnations of fate itself, traveling the galaxy, etc.

What do we care about kalm now, or costa del sol. Nothing from the base storyline can stand up to the ridiculous escalation and DBZ-tier shounen-anime styled final 30 minutes of the first episode. I feel it was a really bad way to go with it.

No, you weren't.

I liked it.
I was almost offended at first, but the longer I let it sit and thought about it, the more I liked it.

Don't listen to TORtanic fags on here, most of them were not even out of their diapers when the original released.

Zoomie gonna zoom


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I think I am on that way.
Don´t like it yet, but I don´t outright hate it anymore either.

>an I the only one?
Nah, I know where you can find lots of soulmates

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I thought the whispers fight was a bit too much, but it ultimately ends with killing the time jannies so it's fine. I recognize that the only reason you fight sephiroth is because they couldn't hold their load. I would've rathered that fight be smaller scale and take place on the highway itself, but I'm not going to outright hate the game for it. I had a smile on my face from the moment cloud was drifting around in the lobby to when the credits rolled, that's all I'll say

do you think they are gonna fire nomura or get rid of him due to obvious backlash? im pretty SE will notice this, no matter how much i or people in general love the remake

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The direction they are looking to go is ballsy and kinda gave me yoko taro vibes somewhat, problem is its nomura behind the wheel on this one and he is liable to let this new narrative crash and burn

The idea of the whispers being a representation of whiny fans is pretty based though imo

it was cancer

No, you aren't the only Kingdom Hearts fan.

yeah, instead they did a 1:1 ending to Advent Children, that shitty movie that got booed at film festivals.

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XIV 1.0 was an infinitely bigger trashfire than this game ever will be and there wasn't any high profile exits from the company.

I forgot if Spirits Within was the reason Sakaguchi jumped ship though.

theres no mention of AC and all of this AC talk is pure speculation

It's a safe rule of thumb to translate any usage of "kino" on Yas Forums to "dogshit". Nobody that uses the word has any taste.

It wasn't "more interesting" though

The promise of the mysteries of the plot and the wider world is incredibly interesting

Time traveling ghost janitors and other retarded bullshit is not

>there's no mention
The ending of this game with Cloud and Sephiroth slicing buildings in half was the same ending to Advent Children. It's not speculation. It's how the game ended.

No you're definitely not the only one who loves bombastic nonsense.

You and Reddit.

I would have prefered a 1:1, but if they had to go with this ending they could have handled it a lot better. Barret was the only character who reacted realistically to the portal bullshit the rest seemed to know shit that was not mentioned in either this game or the remake. And then you have the kingdom hearts boss with anime physics suddenly turned on.

The ghost jannies don't see bad compared to this shit.

also sephiroth is going to turno out to be nomura who got isekai'd into sephiroths body and is using his knoledge of the games to reach the best outcome for all the characters and will open a dimensional worm hole so sora and yazora can be canonized into the FF7 universe

reddit hates it though.

no you didn't think it was good. noone did. you're just shitposting.

For those that don't understand it. There's two timelines now. One where Zack and Biggs live and one where they don't. The time jannies no longer exist in either so there's nothing keeping it on the path of the original.

You obviously haven't seen the ending.
The entire point of it is that the old game has NO PROMISES because you've already played it.
It's 23 years old.

Now, you face the frightening reality of a NEW world without Time Jannies, where things are already different.

The promise of adventure and mysteries are greater than ever before.

>I was almost offended at first, but the longer I let it sit and thought about it, the more I liked it.
I'm in the same boat. I had a such a visceral reaction to it at first that I couldn't even let my self enjoy the ending. It was so jarring. After revisiting it I've accepted it.

i like that now instead of waiting for years for the next part just for it to be the same game but prettier, it'll be some unknown game where spoilers will exist again

Nah, I like over the top shit in video games because I like playing video games.

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this idea could be compelling if it wasn't being directed by nomura

No, you're not the only one.

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It WAS a kino. People just sperging because one enemy looked like a heartless.