What are games you really love but your friends can't really enjoy at all?

What are games you really love but your friends can't really enjoy at all?

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fighting games

My friends are usually into the games I enjoy because I tell them about it, show them etc but I'm the only one with a decent pc so they can't play them with me.

My retard friends are only ever into coop games like The Forest or Green Hell. I don't want to play that trash for months at a time you cunts.

Haven & Hearth

My problem is usually this one

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I don't have any friends.

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Guilty of doing this to my friend recently with minecraft and Rust

I wish I had friends

I tried to get my friends to play this with me. I've been a big fan of the game over the years.
Of the 6 guys I talk to every day and play games with almost every day. Only one joined, and he quit after an hour.
I had a nice big compound planned out for them, spaces for them to build house and all that kinda shit.

literally almost every game ever thats not on mobile

Anything that isnt a western RPG, Destiny style FPS, or Apex Legends

On the other hand I just can't get into their "Let's play the same map over and over again and pray that RNG gives us decent armor and weapons" games. Mostly Apex, god i fucking hate that game so much just because we'd go over to my friends house and two of them would play that game on repeat for over an hour while i sat there on my phone wondering why i didn't just stay home. If i was lucky a fourth friend of ours would tag along and I'd at least be able to talk to someone.

i asked 3 friends to play fortnite with me 2 years ago
i dropped it after 2 weeks
they're still playing it

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Yeah, I feel like you need a very specific mindset to enjoy Haven. I've tried several times to get friends interested in the game, but they either aren't interested or drop it after an hour. Same with legacy and Salem.
I hope it gets a significant surge in popularity some day. 10000+ players would drastically change the game. Jorb and loftar have put so much love and effort into the game, they deserve it.

There is this group of friends I play . I play a lot with one of them. He told me he played space station 13 with another friend from the group. I stated my interest in the game hoping he would invite me, but he didn't. Feelsbadman


Grand strategy seems to be out of their comfort zone, and even some simple 4X games put them to sleep.

i remember in the early 2000s I tried to get two of my FPS addicted friends to try Diablo 2, needless to say their FPS addicted and fried brains couldn't deal with it, too slow according to them.

I guess if you bunny hop and twitch aim/frag 24/7 you brain can not deal with anything slower.

>talk my friend into getting Dark Souls so we can co-op
>walk him through setting up DSfix and DSCM
>he finally manages to summon me after a lot of messing around
>he promptly walks off a ledge and loses his last humanity

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>Friends invite me to play online coop games all the time
>I just don't like online gaming, even if i become half-competent i just don't deride enjoyment from it

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man we should switch places, I'm dying for some co-op. I'd literally play anything except survival shit.

I miss the heyday of Fanboys, for a few years it was the best vidya webcomic and it was great to see how the art and writing improved from the first strip intoil that point. Then it deteriorated and petered off until it died.

I've been trying to get my friends into space station 13 so many times, as soon as they see the wiki they back out

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La mulana

Fucking hate that shit
>friends shill the fuck out of Path of Exile to me
>"come user anon, play it, we love it and will be playing it for a while!"
>"it's like the Dark Souls of Diablo-style games!"
>take a few days to catch up
>end up with a better build that completely outperforms theirs
>run two maps with them, they get frustrated
>stop playing completely while I fuck around for one more week
Fucking hell, at least I didn't have to pay for it.

Scott went through some serious shit. Saw his brother get murdered from what I've heard.

Now he's an artists for Extra Credits. Big RIP


I'll switch with your friends.

>Used to play games with friends every other night.
>One of them gets a job.
>Lucky to play with the friends more than once every month.

>get friend into game I like
>he get super into it makes me play it with him for 12 hours every day until we finish it