10/10 game gets shit reviews because it's too hard

>10/10 game gets shit reviews because it's too hard

Why is this allowed?

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As a big fan of the Battle Network series, I've been looking forward to getting around to this. How would you say it compares to the BN series at large?

Yes me too OP Im waiting on a sale to try it, what can you tell us about it?

In the same spot here

It's shit just replay Battle Network

You can stop time between turns and strategize, create cool combos

This game involves zero strategy, pick all 1 mana cost cards and just let loose.

Only the battle system is similar. There's no overworld and deck building like in MMBN since this plays like a roguelike

You pick a character, each one starting with specific "battle chips" and gimmicks. You fight battles and get to choose more chips to add to your deck. Along the way you'll also find artifacts, which give you major upgrades, such as shooting everytime you move or have enemies explode into flames when they die. After every few levels you get to fight a random boss that gets progressively harder the deeper you are in the run

There's no custom bar like in MMBN. You start battles imediatly and start with two of your random battlechips. You can literally spam your entire deck in a few seconds. To stop that spam though, each chip has its own mana cost and you have a mana regen value, which can be increased by artifacts.

Basically, if you like MMBN's battle system and want something more fast paced, then you'll fucking love this. The game starts ridiculously hard, but once shit clicks and you get to known how the enemies work, you'll be able to win consistently even with all of the RNG. I actually love this more than megaman since I can build decks without giving a shit about the chip letters for combos

It has shit graphics and deserves it.


Try doing that in hell mode

I got it but I'm not enjoying it. I hate the overly-fast pace and unoptimized decks do very little damage.

Game gets really easy when you find out that the neutral boss is easy as shit and that there's no reason to go full pacifist/genocide or loop shenanigans

Eh it's definitely not a 10/10, I don't even think it's that hard.

It's a game that doesn't really know WHY it's doing what it's doing. It knows it wants to be slay the spire, so it has so many elements copied from slay the spire without actually thinking about why STS did those things.
Needing to use cards on the fly also misses the point of battle network, causing you to constantly need to look all over the screen (it's easier to just make a deck of random cards and spam the attack buttons while focusing exclusively on dodging than to actually try to be strategic)

>there's no real reason to get the real ending of the game
It's literally a difficulty slider that changes the ending you get. Neutral is bad ending, pacifist is good ending, genocide is true ending

>10/10 game
Pic unrelated.

I'm just saying that there's no real reason to do pacifist/genocide more than once unless you want to gimp yourself
The real replayability value comes from trying new meme deck archetypes and hellmode/ascension/whatever you wanna call it

>there's no reason to play the full game, I always play on easy mode because I only play video games to waste time instead of actually trying to enjoy them

It's a roguelite, the goal is to get to the end screen so why gimp myself, just like slay the spire, there's no reason to fight the heart unless you are going for achievements or you are doing some crazy ascension 20 all bosses shit

>there's no reason to play the full game, I always play on easy mode because I only play video games to waste time instead of actually trying to enjoy them

Game is very fun but it's not a 10/10. I don't know how people still think it's too fast when you can easily dodge almost every mob attack (especially after he increased the time between when enemies would attack in patches).

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Not him but you should stop seething about your shitty BN ripoff

Because the game makes you think you have to play it tactically, instead of just playing it like a shmup (focus on dodging while just holding down the fire button)

I'd rather play another 1000000000th run of Slay the Spire than this shit

>why would I go for an eggplant run in spelunky? I don't gain anything from it why would I try to have fun and challenge myself in a game? I only play games for them to tell me that I am a winner and if I make it harder for myself then I have a lower chance of being a winner, I need to win in video games to feel good about my shitty life please...

But what if I enjoy games by playing on easy mode bro

Then you should go look for a job at Kotaku

>complains the game is too easy on easy mode
>then proceeds to say he prefers easy mode
which one is it then?

But I do play it strategically (even though when Pyro Terra gets going you set the whole field on fire and doublecast Combust). Dodging most attacks isn't hard, so why can't people try to get in position to use attacks? It's not like you have to make a Kinesys-relocation deck with super low damage or something.

Guess you are the kind of autist that grinds spike rooms in every BoI run to kill mega satan I guess.
To each their own, I'd rather play 20 minutes, win, get my enjoyment and then go play something else

That's not strategic, if you already know what shit you can spam in your deck you don't have to think about what you are using at all.
>grinds spike rooms
the fuck? I just play the game normally and reach any of the final bosses by playing the fucking game. I don't see how it's enjoyable to play only half of what the game offers and then pretend like you are having fun.

you unlock different things for neutral vs. pacifist. One gets you the alt costume and the other the alt loadout

>I'd rather play 20 minutes, win, get my enjoyment and then go play something else

Pretty sure you can get alt loadouts from any ending, and you can get outfits from achievements like breaking 16 tiles and that kind of thing
So you are saying that if you are not going for true genocide every run you are playing the game on babby's mode?

yes, every other type ends the run early. If looping is only allowed during genocide, then genocide is the real game and how it's intended to be played.

Imagine playing nuclear throne and never looping either, that would get boring extremely fast

>So you are saying that if you are not going for true genocide every run you are playing the game on babby's mode?
You have to beat the shopkeeper to get the true genocide ending. Beating the shopkeeper is hard as shit. Therefore, doing any other run than true genocide is baby mode

just get chain lmao

>tfw 60h in the game, all endings, multiple hell modes, multiple loops, consistently beat the game with any character
>still can't beat shopkeeper without Link cheese

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>Beating the shopkeeper is hard as shit.
Unless you Link her like 90% of players did to unlock her.

>link cheese

Given that you cap on artifacts halfway into your second loop and that by the third loop you kinda stop getting upgrades while bosses get increasingly more HP, I don't think it's the real game, it's just a bonus or an incentive to go for the actual real genocide ending.
Whichever route you pick is the real game, dying to Serif in neutral count as a victory (and a death) in the stats.

>Link her
>She casts her glaciers attack
>Does 10k dmg to glaciers
>Kills herself

>the real game stops you before you see all the content in a run

I usually trash her on the 2nd loop if I feel powerful enough.

You don't fight Terrable or the Gate in genocide.

>10/10 game
that's where you're wrong kiddo
More like "One Step from being a Good Game"
it's garbage zoomerware

she's really not that hard to dodge since most of her attacks are fixed patterns, I think she only has one that's aimed. Once you learn them the only issue is getting good enough to dodge them consistently.

>you don't fight easier bosses in the hard mode because it makes you fight a harder boss instead
okay? This is a game about going to eden, only in the genocide run do you actually fucking enter Eden at all.