What do we think about this? Personally, I'm kinda upset.
What do we think about this? Personally, I'm kinda upset
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>another MC/SDV clone
Aw, what a bummer. Please shove a huge cock up my aresehole.
Go back.
Does this mean Riot also own the minecraft server?
I guess they do? Article doesn't say anything about the server I believe.
It's fine if there's no meddling on Riot's part (don't know how realistic this is)
Also there's the possibility that the game's shit anyway. Still no proper gameplay.
Oh for fucks sake. This is why modders never take off, they have zero business sense. Imagine selling out your ultra successful IP and losing total creative freedom for some fucking money.
Game will be utterly ruined now by Tencent bullshit and cash shops.
Riot will become the next EA games.
>le we
Fuck off.
EA wish they could be Riot
>we're taking a huge step from modders to professional game developers
Lol no, you just made the single worst businesses decision of all time.
so greedy like EA ? for example League has pass when you can farm tokens to get loot boxes and a special skin , but riot made the last pass shity because people are making too fast tokens and buying lootboxes and that special skin .
>but Riot will become our parent company and we’ll gain access to their expertise and resources. This means a bigger budget for Hytale, more security for our team, and advisory support from a company that knows how to launch and operate successful, long-running games.
Oh boy the naivety
>Minecraft sells out to Microsoft
>Hytale sells out to Chinese Microsoft
Like pottery, holy shit, Hytale is so much a clone that even their IRL stuff matches.
If you need to relay on a chinese company to learn about expertise, theres something wrong with your team.
Also, this literally makes no fucking sense, considering the Hytale dev team had plenty of ex-riot employeers.
Funny how they ended falling into working for riot again.
>Tencent now involved
Hard pass.
>buying Chinese games
No thanks
Are you joking right now? holy shit the irony of coming back to them jesus
God I fucking hate the chinks, i was really looking forward to this.
Not him but yes they said so in the blog.
Imagine making one of the most hyped upcoming IPs then losing it to Riot.
hytale looked soulless as fuck and this just confirms it.
Riot are Blizzard but retarded with no history of good games, and an anti-cheat that'll make your PC think you've got malware.
Im so fucking disappointed dude, I was really looking forward to this because of my disappointment in mojang and the development of minecraft now this shit comes up, fucking retarded hytale faggots, their server was never good anyways
Im calling it now it will have cash shops and a fuckton of paid content now. Cant wait for the loot boxes and special skins too. I hope you enjoy Wangs wang Hytale.
don't care
Me too. I just dont get what stupid logic led them to ruin their IP like this. Being a subsidiary of another company is a curse, not a blessing, and most so in gaming where hundreds of companies have been swallowed and eaten alive. They'll come at you with smiles then backstab you the next day.
Fucking ruined.
The world would be a much, MUCH better place if China didn't exist.
I don't care. I'm not a retard who is unaware they jewed the everliving fuck out of their Minecraft server to the point Mojang had to step in, and continue to refuse to say how they're planning on monetizing the game.
That only applies for the chinese versions you stupid fucking ape. When GGG was acquired by Tencent they made the eastern version pay to win as fuck because the chinese audience are all whales and are completely fine with it.
Riot acquired Hytale Studios not Hytale Inc.
Hytale Inc is responsible for their minecraft servers and has no affiliation with Riot.
Also when did Mojang have to step in? Im interested in the story.
>Game will be utterly ruined now by Tencent bullshit and cash shops.
So absolutely nothing will change?
>Wow this actually looks like a competent minecraft clone.
> Wow they seem to know what the community likes if they play their cards right they could really make some waves.
>When can we play it
>Dude were working on it
>Cue this for a few years.
>Suddenly a riot buyout.
>Words cannot describe how disappointed I am.
Fucking wrong, it happened to LoL too retard. And GGG already pumped in shittons of stupid cash shop bullshit it was cancer being bought by AIDS.
When did it happen to League at all?
They added a season pass that gets worse every season
Hypixel are and have always been Jews. This is literally no surprise
You're both mentally retarded. Riot was already investing in them and
>If you need to relay on a chinese company to learn about expertise, theres something wrong with your team.
Literally braindead apes. They are relying on Riot's tools not tencent. Tencent only cares about publishing shit in the east and let Riot be lazy as fuck for years on end.
They'll probably let them finish it (lol!), ship them to LA, and then shove them in a corner of their offices and tell them to make a game set in League's universe or something before fucking off to go make genuinely good shit buried by full retard balancing decisions.
No, Hytale studios is seperate from Hytale inc
Shut up Chang, go eat a bat
>Gets worse every season
Not really. You can still earn tokens regardless of a pass and they saw that whales who grinded all the time were earning too quickly so they did the smart marketting ploy and made it even longer. Nothing wrong with that as it doesn't affect the base game
Too stupid to think for yourself for one second?
Then again you have no business sense whatsoever so im not surprised you can't make a proper comeback other than "UH-UH CHANG XD I SAID IT GUYS UPVOTES TO THE LEFT"