Tfw Bloodborne was one of the scariest games I've ever played

>tfw Bloodborne was one of the scariest games I've ever played

Am I just being a pussy?

I never found shit like Amnesia or Outlast scary but Bloodborne freaked me out the whole playthrough

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I legitimately wonder how someone can be scared while playing Bloodborne. It’s absolutely trash at conveying the cosmic horror it’s based on.

The atmosphere got into my head more than most horror games. It's got great sound and visual design with enough elements of body horror and cosmic terror to make you forget that you're an undying hunter with a big gun and an advanced barber's razor.

>everything has to be exactly out of Lovecraft's bible or it's shit

What's scary about Bloodborne?
It has a lot of disgusting imagery so it can make you recoil if you don't have the stomach for it but the game is not scary.

I remember jumping once when a werewolf in the old City or whatever came fucking exploding out of a doorway that led back to the top of the map. It was really quiet and I knew some fuckin bullshit was gonna come screaming but it still got me. Other than that I think I remember everything in the game just fucking screaming. The screaming boss at the start is so fucking loud I have to turn the volume down whenever I fight it. That and the werewolf lady in the church her scream drove me fucking insane not scared more angry than anything they had some loud fucking sounds in that game.

first play through and the fear of losing souls?

It's one of the best horror games
Having to go back a fight an enermy who just killed you and you've got a load of blood points on the line is legit tense

Was it your first souls game? Dark Souls was my first one and it was scary as fuck that first play through. Bloodborne was my third and was not scary at all. I think it's more about getting the confidence to go through these games that's scary

Just first half in only scary and maybe pthumerian chalice levels

I never got past father gascoigne, I fought him like 20 times and had him down to a tiny bit of health. This was years ago, maybe I'll go back to BB.

The first few areas are pretty unnerving. You don't 100% know how to play yet and the city can be a bit of a fucked up circular maze. By the time the cthulu stuff really ramps up it doesn't feel too crazy.

Crows were the worst. Twice as loud as everything else in the game. It should be illegal to have an audio disparity like that, could probably damage your hearing if you were using headphones.

Probably would’ve been scary if I wasn’t so busy looking for BATTERIES in order to be able to see anything whatsoever.
Seriously, fuck that mechanic.

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Filtered on the training boss.
That boss is a tutorial on how to play the game.

Which is why he's the first non skipable boss

upper cathedral ward and yahar'gul (the first time you get with the sanguine choir) are actually scary.

This, not a single third person horror game has ever gotten a reaction out of me, how can they? It’s not immersive at all.

if you have any emtional reaction to any video game then you are a coward and a child
oh and in future, don't use a gendered slur when trying to make a point
it just makes you look like a bonehead

spookiest part was the top level with the brain suckers, that music was something else


Try Aliens vs. Predator 2 by Monolith. You didn't feel scared in Amnesia or Outlast because there was never a choice between fight and flight. You were watching a movie there, and with BB, you were playing a game. AvP2 is one of the most suspenseful FPS ever and the other campaign is just as great. Predator is meh though.


The "Souls formula" has a lot in common with the "survival horror formula" from RE1. Couple that with the nice atmosphere of dread in BB and the horror aesthetic and I can see how it would get into someone's head.

>The "Souls formula" has a lot in common with the "survival horror formula" from RE1. Couple that with the nice atmosphere of dread in BB and the horror aesthetic and I can see how it would get into someone's head.

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I wasn't scared in my first playthrough. And i was thinking thematically Bloodborne isn't scary, of course you can argue that there is the fear of losing Souls or running out of vials or whatever but potentially losing resources permanently makes players panic in every game. I wouldn't say that is a horror element.

The cultist town you get sent to when you die spooked me good.
Also the upper cathedral ward? with the werewolves that take out the lights.

The only time I legit got spooked in bloodborne was when one of those 7ft crackheads ran towards me at 60mph in a chalice dungeon.

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>Blood points on the line

Like who even gives a single FUCK about souls/blood whatever in these games anyway? They're so insignificant.

Nah, the cosmic horror shit in it is fucking horrifying for me and the design of those spider like creatures in Cainhurst castle and those cunts that sing and build Frenzy like mad fill me with immense dread.

I got scared a couple of times, I warmly remembere that time a witch ran behind a doorframe and ambushed me, shit scared me

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It's actually great at doing cosmic horror, why did you dislike it?

Jump scares mostly, THAT fucking wolf surprised the shit out of me.

I’m pretty sure they’re just pretending in order to spark up conversation with their circle-jerk fanclub.

You’re the definition of poser kek.