This is peak laziness
This is peak laziness
Is that temporary? He fully joins later right?
I hated how you can't actually pick your party member, and all the constant switching.
Aerith is boring to play.
Nanaki in OG FF7 Shinra HQ
-Can be used against Hojo's lab experiment
-Can be used during the Jenova/Sephiroth jail escape unnerving sequence
-Can be used in the Barret breakout party escape sequence
-Can be used against the motor escape boss
FF7 Remake
-They were too lazy to make the 5th character playable
-They wrote ways around him being in boss fights
-They didn't put a jail escape so no haunting Sephiroth build up
Time ghosts and Advent Children autistic set pieces killed the Nanaki/Red 13 content. Please file this under SquareEnix (just Square) has no idea how to make a good game anymore. I used Nanaki all throughout FF7 the minute I got him, same with Vincent. Fuck this so much man.
Why would they bother developing a fully playable character that you wouldn't even have time to upgrade?
It's literally the same as the original. You can't switch party until the world map.
>why would you bother developing a fully playable character that was fully playable in the original?
He will. But in part two.
>haha i will reply this post with wojak that'll show 'em
This is actually the only thing I can understand about the game, there's no point making him a fully playable character as the game is pretty much already over when he joins
>Is that temporary? He fully joins later right?
>He fully joins later right?
Yeah but you have to spend 60 dollars
>VII Remake
>less content
>Xenoblade Remake
>more content
But why?
Apologists like you are the single most braindead individuals on the planet.
>>VII Remake
>>less content
>literally only midgar
>Red XIII is not playable
>not less content
cope tranny
Does 7R only go up to the end of Midgar which is like 5% of the original game?
Yes but it pads it out to be 50 hours
>Seen the shit game coming a mile away
>Still buy said shit game
You need to take the Falcom/Atluspill and just move on/Final fantasy quality wise has left long ago. And now high production values/graphic engines does not mean quality games
Can't wait for Ys 9
Because XenoChads just CAN'T. STOP. WINNING
it's not that aerith is boring, it's that enemies immediately switch to whoever you're controlling. that means that you either have to run away (since dodge is almost useless) and only attack when the enemies are busy for 5 seconds (thanks to long animations), or just wait until the AI eventually gets enough ATB built up on its own, which takes a few minutes and is only suitable for boss fights.
if you say "but just use the provoke materia!" it only works when the character you're controlling is near death anyways, so it's basically useless
>slow walking and redundant text is content
As opposed to haters that just pour hate on a chink board to fill their empty days?
As if this place had any relevance.
>NISA butchery
>refined original gameplay (not abandoned and changed to radically different genre)
>more content
>bigger boobs
>colourful beautiful open environments
>artstyle change looks great on everything not just MC+party
Xenoblade DE is literally the opposite of 7
No it isn’t. It’s close to 1/3 of the game.
That is blatantly untrue
midgar in original should be 5-6 hours
total playtime of ff7 could be 40-50 hours
Midgar takes like 4 hours, when the game is 60-80
He'll become controllable in the sequel.
>No it isn’t. It’s close to 1/3 of the game.
On what fucking planet?
>only canonically in the party for last two levels
>OP thinks they should've given him the full 7 weapons, 15 magazines, optional second limit break all in those two tiny chapters
>midgar taking 5 hours
Dishonesty is unbecoming. If you're speedrunning your 10th playthrough maybe; Midagar is like 10-15 hours at least if you're playing the first time, reading everything, taking reasonable time.
I'm also not the poster you're attacking. But you could at least be honest.