>Church is the villain

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I'd argue religion is like finding the cat in a dark room without a flashlight and science is like being in a dark room with a flashlight and acting like there's no cat there

Then the cat isn't real you retard

I don't know why but something about the way Oatmeal writes makes him come off as incredibly punchable

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>Church is the good guys

That would imply that science has found evidence of God or religion being true but won't acknowledge it. Are you one of those faggots who goes "Look at how beautiful the sunset is?! How could God not be real!?" Lie what evidence of God has science ignored?

Also OP you're a faggot your opinion is that of a sensative religious snowflake. Governemtns and religions are frequent choices for villains because villains usually have to hold some kind of power. If it's not something like a weapon or magic powers then its the kind of power that exists int he real world which is often held by people in religions or governments. A story of heroes fighting against corrupt powers is more appealing to most people than you being a good little god boy who kills some heathens and gets a pat on the back from God.

Scienc is like being in a dark room and looking for a black cat using a fucking flashlight.
>Still can't find the black cat

Science is more like thrashing wildly until you hit something, then yelling "I HIT A CAT"

>science is like being in a dark room looking for a black cat, finding a pink sock and defining it as a black cat

Fuck off with your thinly veiled bait threads

he's reddit incarnate

It's like being in a dark room with a boner and you have to fuck something and so you stab your dick in every direction, humping everything you bump into furiously. Then when you finally find a thing that you can jam your dick into and fuck, a scientist shines a flashlight in your face and tells you about the black cat he found and how good it felt to fuck it.

Why would science use sight, the sense that is probably the least useful in this hypothetical situation?
You'd be better off closing your eyes and making a plan for scouring the entire room with your sense of touch, accompanied by your hearing and smell.
Then you find the cat and taste it to be sure.

Because its not there. Mataphysics wins again bby

>Church isn’t full of paedophiles

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Sight is evidence. And you use all the other senses to strengthen the hypothesis.

i will buy any game that lets me romance a dragon

>skullfucked "religious" retard
>browsing Yas Forums
You're going to hell, human trash.

as long as the dragon remains a dragon and not some transform into human bullshit

of course

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>Obese man saying he doesn't believe thread #908409234890234

This is why I was planning an rpg where the church is framed as evil but turns out to be right and inevitably the good guys.

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That happens a lot more often than you think. Expecially recently.


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>church good

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>That would imply that science has found evidence of God or religion being true but won't acknowledge it
No, that would imply that scientific enquiry is not a proper tool for understanding the noumenal, which it's obviously not. You have a juvenile conception of God. Not everything can be ascertained by science.

I'm an atheist but I really don't love science. I just think god is cringe.

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>it's a fucking Kemco game and I uninstall 2 minutes into the game

>What is Dragon Quest?

>has the monopoly on save files
>charges you for curing curses and poison

Sight is evidence, but evidence is not exclusively sight. When you have a situation like a black cat in a dark room, you're better off using something besides sight as proof of it being there,regardless of whether you have a puny flashlight or not. Like your other senses.
There's tons of shit we know about through scientific discovery that no one has ever seen with their eyes.

I believe I will go to gensokyo when I die

>He wants items for free and the redistribution of save files
North korea is two blocks down

Even if your transparent sophistry was true that analogy still doesn’t make sense.

The ancient and classical philosophers command more respect and sense for the human condition than any science wanking modern nu-male ever could, what compels them to be so dug into their own retarded smugness and self importance? ideology? education? politics? all of the above?

>be in the dark room, find a black cat with flashlight but tell everyone there's no black cat because it's not politically correct

I fucking love science

>Main quest is to put God in your cringe compilation

Science is like not being in the dark room or looking for the black cat, but instead sitting at your desk behind mountains of essays, hand-waving both things away as social constructs, using studies you didn't participate in or attempt to recreate as proofs

>Edgefags are lawful
>Moralfags are chaotic
>Fedoratippers are retarded
One of these is not like the other.


Oh wow, an actual scientist!

100% chance you use statues for profile pictures

Cringe. Go back to r/atheism faggot


>command more respect and sense for the human condition
Guess they’re all right then despite their conflicting views lmao. Get bent you fucking iron soul tool.

>Find out circumcision can cause lifelong trauma and or brain damage in children
>Called a racist/bigot for even mentioning findings
>Shut down and all funding cut

The Religious and Scienctific community can both be cunts

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Do I really have to explain to you that sight is used as a metaphor in this context to represent the ability to observe?

I think you just don't want God to be real. If there was a doorway I could walk through where on the other side everything in the Bibe was incontrovertibly true, I would cross it in an instant. :^)

but observation can change the results :^)

Don’t forget your fedora on the way home to plebbit, le euphoric one

because the scientific community obeys a certain religious community

This. Science is romanticized by laymen and non-academics as something that isn't just one giant circle jerk and race for grant money.

>scientific enquiry is not a proper tool for understanding the noumenal
But... humans inherently cannot discern the noumenal, let alone understand it, so knowledge of God or God's existence is impossible. You're using Kantian terms but clearly haven't read Kant.

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>shitting on philosophy and metaphysics
lmao, the absolute state of the "I love science" cword
Philosophy is the backbone of science. There's a reason why a number of notable scientists are well read in the philosophy of science.

The patrician choice is a human that turns into a dragon without warning during sex. The dragon is male.


why do white, christian males like to rape little boys so much?

I was being pedantic from the start, if you didn't notice.

and that the smartest scientists see the divine

>empirically observe=/=understanding
I can absolutely make an argument that you ought to believe in God without proving his existence empirically.

>christcuck cope
>in current year

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What good is a god that cannot be suplexed?

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>clearly haven't read Kant.

Guess you’re just a fundamentally immoral or submissive person then if you crave the rule of the objectively arbitrary and narcissistic figure depicted in bible. If I was the product of creation I’d prefer my kind’s purpose to be greater than proving ourselves suitable sycophants to avoid eternal suffering.


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Basically this. I think a lot of great thinkers and researchers understand that.

>hierarchy bad!
Are you 12 years old?

This but unironically
The worst part will be when you christcucks smugly die waiting to go to heaven and slipping into the void before you can even realize you were wrong the entire time

>but evidence is not exclusively sight.
That is exactly what i said. Sight along with the other things help you approximate the truth in the material world. If you're trying to find a black cat in a dark room, you wouldn't use a flashlight to look for it? That just seems silly.

You can make an argument (like Kant does) that you OUGHT to believe in God, but no compelling or logically sound argument that God exists, which means that such a belief is inherently irrational even if its adoption can be rationally justified. Thus in order to commit oneself to belief one has to be irrational, so it's fundamentally problematic.

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Why do swarthy jews like to kidnap and slowly torture and drink the blood of little boys so much?


>Christians die smugly
>atheists die in terror like the massive weeping vaginas they are
Hard choice

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