What's the deal with Dark Souls 1 on Steam...

What's the deal with Dark Souls 1 on Steam? I only see the remaster for $50 and I aint paying $50 for a remaster of any game. I just picking up DS2 and DS3 both for ~$20 bux but I don't see DS1.

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The remaster is the only version of DS1 on steam as far as I know, so you'll have to wait for a sale.

Prepare to Die Edition got unlisted when the remaster came out.

They don't sell the original anymore for whatever stupid reason. Just pirate it.

Damn, okay, thanks bros. I guess I'll wait for that to go on sale.

I haven't pirated a game since I gave up the NEET life, but I may resort to it for DS1.

The original is pretty bad, why would you want to play it? The fog effects are so unoptimised that the game starts lagging even on a gtx 1070

I want to play DS1 before DS2 and DS3 and I don't care if it is the original or the remaster. I'm just a bit reluctant to pay $50 for a remaster of something. As the other user said, I might just pirate the original and if I like it enough maybe buy the remaster when it's on sale.

pirate the remaster then, less of a hassle than haggling with PTDE

the original is literally unplayable without a few mods and tweaks

What does the remaster fix then? Is it more than just graphics and optimization?

>literally unplayable

QoL changes, namely
- an extra bonfire
- the ability to consume more than one soul at once

it doesn't fix any graphics aside from resolution. In fact it makes it makes the game look a lot worse which is why a Prepare to Die Edition key costs about 60 bucks on these key reselling sites.
>slight optimization
>60 fps
that's what you get for the remaster

>it doesn't fix any graphics aside from resolution. In fact it makes it makes the game look a lot worse
Are you telling me that the remaster allows you to increase the resolution without properly scaling the existing models to fit the new resolution? If so, damn....
Cool thanks

yeah that's what he typed. You just made it green

>the remaster allows you to increase the resolution without properly scaling the existing models to fit the new resolution
no, the game does just that. dude's just referring to the missing lighting effects

you can just play 2 and 3, don't worry about 1

Pirate PTDE and install DSfix.

I pity the fool who doesn't own PTDE.

They delisted the original so that your only option is the shitty remaster that looks WORSE and costs 5 times more. Based Bamco

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No it doesnt retard
I played it with a i5-3300 and 660ti back in the day at 60fps the entire time.

>the original is bad
well it’s got some outdated elements but
>complaining about graphics
nah, fuck off

>you now realize that DSR and DS3 have odd purple sheens to a TON of their reflective surfaces
Its a leftover from just recycling BBs engine without actually making sure the all the assets worked properly.
I hate it

fucking brainlet opinion, DS3 is even worse with no knowledge of 1

Nah its much better because if you played 1 half the shit in 2 and 3 is actually retarded

shut up and buy it retard

eh, the story did get silly but I don’t think the ‘plot’ of Souls was ever really that relevant, people and places are what drove the world forward. at any rate if you play 3 then 2 then 1 you’re gonna be really disappointed by how clunky 1 feels, it’s fine to go back to KD you’ve played it before but going from BB or 3 to 1 feels like a straight downgrade in gameplay, it’s better in a lot of other ways though


>resolution scaling
no the resolution itself is fine. With "it" I meant the whole graphical style of the remaster looks worse than the original because they completely messed up the lighting

the remaster is almost Silent Hill HD Collection tier bad, just pirate the original.

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Wtf, that completely ruins the atmosphere.

how embarrassing

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oh no

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I just finished in my shitty PC and never had lag issues.
Also for me it's the best of the souls games but everyone picks one and defends that game till death

But the summons

Yeah but it completely fixes the framerate and resolution. Those are also the absolute worst case scenarios.

This isn't the console version , PC version was fine as long as you weren't completly retarded .