Do you prefer Classic shooters or old skool shooters?

Do you prefer Classic shooters or old skool shooters?

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>Serious Sam is 19 years old
>Not a classic shooter
It does not belong there.

Just because it's older than you doesn't make it classic. It invented the nushooter style.

>nu-doom has bullet sponge enemies
>but quake and duke didn't
Lmao fucking kill yourself you retarded larping boomer

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>levels are never too long and never too short


Painkiller was great. Nice soundtrack, atmosthere, Guns and etc
>But muh cards
I completed the game without them on nightmare difficulty

based and objectively true
seething doom babby

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That's Painkiller. It locked you in an arena every room and didn't let you explore freely until the end of every level.

Heck, Serious Sam 3 is arguably more classic than the first game in terms of pacing. Arenas are restricted to a few set pieces.

Wanna know how I know you haven't played any of those games mentioned

Shadow Warrior had a more straightforward level design though

Yeah, please tell me, emotionally unstable 22 year old

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Serious Sam has always been Serious Shit. Not a single good game and the devs know it too and mock the player.

>projecting this hard
Thanks for the (you)s retard

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Literally >no u

I still wonder how they have an actual following. They're pure garbage.

read the image from left to right

"Old school". If I wanted to explore elaborate levels I'd play a metroidvania or something instead

I love exploring labyrinths just as much as RAW ACTION AND EXPLOSIONS

your question seems a bit loaded, faggot. i like both old school shooters and more modern titles, but I guess that makes me a zoomer casual right? you retards really do need a constant us vs them mentality etched in your brain to feel validated. fucking pathetic.

>rpg/upgrade mechanics

I hate this shit so much. Fucking consoletards. One of the several reasons why I dropped Shadow Warrior.

What useful specific purpose does the pistol fulfill after you get the chaingun?

How is E3M7 intelligently paced?

What are the rich mechanics of a shooter in which you cannot even jump?

>hump into this specific wall that looks exactly the same as the rest

It's basically a substitute for making mechanics that are fun or useful on their own. A common symptom of this is the game will get easier over time because the weapons have been upgraded, instead of harder like it's supposed to.

OP is based. I agree with this.

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>Bullet sponge enemies
As opposed to shamblers and barons?
>Weapons phoned in
Just like all of Quake's redundant weapons
>Unimaginative enemy design
Painkiller was an aesthetic masterpiece, don't you dare.
>Lame badass music
Egyptian musicians would like to have a word with you
>Levels indistinguishable
Yeah, look at all those diverse brown castles!
>RPG elements
>Upgrade system
Oh yeah, those were a thing in Painkiller? I barely noticed.

You know why upgrade systems work? Because it makes sure theres always a reward for secrets as opposed to doom wherr you might get some dumb shit like ammo for a gun are have already maxed

>You know why upgrade systems work
they don't

Made this game, it's more based around Tony Hawk Pro Skater, you have levels and either do score objectives or specific level based stuff to advance through the campaign. Had fun doing it, didn't manage to find the time to squeeze a story into it.

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Only thing that is true for Painkiller in this list is arena design, consider to stop sucking cocks.

powerslave was shit, why not show off shadow warrior or blood?

>play game to 100% completion
>my reward is a fight thats so insanely piss easy I have it play it again and not get half the shit just to have fun
If every genre needs RPG mechanics to you then you arent enjoying the game your enjoying numbers increase

Powerslave is the last good classic shooter, Blood and Shadow Warrior are garbage.

They will hate you because you are telling them the truth

yeah no wonder OP likes shooting shitty scorpions and platforming

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>filtered by jumping
stick to doom babby

Those are some pretty compelling animations. You must unironically have a high IQ to have pulled this off.

Classic shooters.
I prefer my boomer shooters.
>Powerslave instead of Blood

Blood was never a good game

what's with this meme buzzword?

Quite honestly looks pretty good


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Animation was my main interest before trying to make a game so it's something I already knew well enough

being triggered