Why are western bossfights so shit?

Why are western bossfights so shit?

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Bosses in FPSs have to be simple, a "shoot at it until it dies" kind of deal. Devs always try to devise some new gimmick which always turns up boring at best or frustrating at worst. Doom solved the "boss issue" with the cyber demon 25+ years ago.
In Eternal I had more fun killing the Tyrant than any of the bosses (doom hunter is the only good one). That slayer gate where 2 of them pop up at the same time was a perfectly legit, satisfactory, fun boss fight.

FPS games always had shit bosses.Its just the way the genre works.
And Eternal still sets the benchmark for what you can do with that.

>what's that? You're having fun zip zapping around shooting your gun? Well you better think twice when me, mr. bones and the hit scan crew come for you

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If I wasn't curse with inceldom I would have sex with at least two of those characters

Marauder was OK as a miniboss (thought it would have been nice if the game didn't tell you about how exactly to beat him beforehand but whatever) but the other two were absolute ass, yeah. Who thought that the floor is lava with infinitely respawning loot pinatas is a good idea? Who thought that a giant bullet sponge with two phases, where both were pretty much identical, with infinite instakill weapon ammo for all the trash that spawned was a good idea? Seriously, the worst part about the Icon was the screen shaking, but fortunately you could disable that.


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the old arch-vile is a very good mini-boss: very powerful requiring your full attention, yet it dies with 2 to 4 shots so it doesn't overstay its welcome.
Eternal arch-vile.. don't really know because I always insta-killed it with the sword so I can't say. But its summoning attack needs to be visually tweaked imo, it honestly look like the game is royally crapping itself with all the orange demons popping out.

but i liked the doom hunter

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>Yfw trapped in that archvile maze in plutonia

Shit eating zoomers, you're clueless so shut the fuck up.

>Imagine being what 35 and still using this site and yelling at kids
Kys please you are hopeless

pretty fun

ok but what are some examples of good "eastern" bossfights?

Any boss from the megaman zero games


90% of all bullet hell bosses
bullet hell games have the exact opposite situation of FPSes where it's immediately obvious what makes at least a decent bullet hell boss

I had high hopes they would implement the climbing mechanic in an actual boss fight.

Especially the last DE boss would've been great to make use of it.

Spider Mastermind, Hell gaurds, Cyber Demon. Doom16 had high grade bossies

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I quite liked them, also thought it was cool Cyberdemon and Mastermind had a attacks you had to crouch to dodge, makes me sad they took away crouch in Eternal

thoughts on Route E? had to Cheat Engine my way out of that


>Why are western bossfights so shit?
Say that again, bitch

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>thought it would have been nice if the game didn't tell you about how exactly to beat him beforehand
I disable tutorials, hint, all that bullshit before even starting the game the first time. You only have yourself to blame.

What's the most efficient way to take this guy out? He doesn't give me much trouble but I always feel like I'm using way more ammo than I actually need to

>What's the most efficient way to take this guy out? He doesn't give me much trouble but I always feel like I'm using way more ammo than I actually need to
just Blood Punch and Mobile Turret his sled away, then finish off his second form with a single lock-on burst

Is there a better place on the internet to shitpost?

The Khan Mayker was hilariously easy, just slap her with homing rockets

I think Icon is about as good as you could expect from a boss fight that giant. Generally speaking the larger the boss, the shittier the fight itself is going to be. I like how you can kill Icon pretty fucking quickly if you know what you are doing as well. The Khan Makyr bossfight was the most disappointing thing in the entire game. Shes the main fucking villain and her fight felt like an afterthought. I was shocked there wasn't a second phase after you down her once. She doesn't even change up her pattern once throughout the fight. Her mechanics are so lazy and feel like they just went with their first draft.
>we need to come up mechanics for the khan makyr the main villain of the game and the only major enemy you fight in the game that isn't a demon or possessed by hell
>okay well she spams projectiles
>good good how else can we differentiate her
>well we can have her make the floor lava

All of them. Glorious Nippon is perfection.


Yeah was very disappointed with the eternal bosses after the high of 2016s mastermind. Marauder in particular had me expecting something like a q3 tier boss and I got a walking traffic light.

Guardian ape, both times