R-Rean-sama... I kneel... yes, I'll get the maid dress out

R-Rean-sama... I kneel... yes, I'll get the maid dress out...

Attached: jobshua.png (540x543, 116.89K)

>characters:rean, joshua
>tags: crossdressing, feminization, mind_break,big_penis, stomach_bulge


What is this from and is it canon?
Please tell me it's fully animated...

I assume it's from the Evo remakes of Sky on Vita/PS3.

it's a visual from trails in the sky evolution port

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It's the Evo version of Trails FC and it's trash

I kneel, too, to this Rean.

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Rean... Estelle's gonna be out of Rolent for a few days...

Attached: blacked fang.jpg (1337x2000, 577.12K)

I just started Cold Steel 3 and Rean has literally been wanked off 3 times already. I hope it gets better.

the very first scene of cs4 is estelle, joshua, renne, lloyd and elie all wanking off rean and he isn't even in the room

Attached: 1577459206960.png (858x347, 604.91K)

haha that's our sensei

Haha... that's our Rean!

*sniff* *snrk* Guess I'll have to kneel to Rean too... *sob* ...oh how could little ol' pathetic me even compare to him? It's useless...

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Don't worry, I'm pretty sure the next protagonist of the series will not yield to Rean bean. He will not let his cute and funny wife to be swayed by that tyrant.

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haha that's our negative man for ya

god this series is garbage. I got memed into playing cs1 and it was utter garbage

>tfw looking for non turn based jrpg
>literally dont exist
fuck bros

violated heroine

>absolutely no doujins of joshua being fucked while crossdressing

Whoa, this Rean dude's way past cool, I should kneel too...

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i played the first two sky games and all i know about cold steel is from this image
how close am i to the actual experience of the game

Attached: trails of cold steel.jpg (4000x1915, 1.77M)

>he lets the heterochromia loli travel with Rean
He's already swayed himself.

Haha, that's our Vegeta...

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You're dead on. Keep in mind that this collage is just from CS1, and it gets way fucking worse in CS2.

CHADrean-sama... I-I kneel...

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O Rean sama,
We shall not rest,
Until all will be thyne

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Pull back, men, this Rean figure's is on a level even above the Precursors! I'll have to kneel to him to supplicate him to spare us, I hope.

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