say something nice
Say something nice
they're not bankrupt yet
It's still better than Diablo 3.
claptrap isnt the most horrible character in the game any more
i like pie
not really, never had a pie but then again, they dont make pies in Slovenia
I like the cover art
shooting good
writing shit
Gameplay is the best is the series and the guns honestly feel great to shoot. Dahl/Vladolf in particular.
compared to rest of the game streamer twins are actually least cringe characters in bl3
DLC is overpriced same as the base game.
I like the Katagawa Bot Boss Room song
I like more mech with rocket pods.
Writing is shit. Where the fuck is Salvador?
Next DLC is supposed to be Western themed and Salvador was teased in DLC 2. It's pretty much guaranteed he'll be in DLC 3.
But the broke the finger-guns. The cover should've totally had the two fingers plus his foot.
Gameplay is better.
Guns look and feel better.
Worlds look better.
Enemies are cooler and have more diversity.
Bosses are plenty and are fun.
Story is an abomination however.
What else could I say about simultaneously the best gameplay and worst story of any FPS of all time?
the guns shoot well
I want to kill every child in this game I see
I want to stick my PP in Moxxi's Jay
Running ar sanic speed with Zane is so fun.
Exactly this.
Characters are retards and i don't give one fuck about them.
Only brick is somewhat cool, and the jakobs dude too (i don't care that he is gay, but his overly affection has no place).
Twins where kind of funny if you look at them like idiotic twitch thot streamers.
>the best gameplay
of any borderlands sure but the actual gunplay is still extremely crappy outside of 3-4 gun types
The nice thing is I have not uninstalled it. Played 3 hours and cringed. Got this and Fallout 76 gifted to me. 34 hours in 76 which is better than Borderlands 3.
is there any porn of it?
and if there is, is it good?
how much of it is futa moxxi banging maya?
Wainwright is the only character I can think of from the main game that is above "average" tier and in "good". His writing is pretty chill.
Hammerlock feels more shallow but is alright.
Troy was starting to get actually decent but then all his buildup is suddenly dropped. His boss fight is easily the best in the game at least.
Zer0 is okay, by virtue of being exactly the same as in BL2.
Everyone else just sucks, but I especially hate what they did to Aurelia. All that character development down the drain to become "derr rich bad"
The DLCs get better though. Timonthy and Moxxi are great, and I haven't finished the 2nd DLC yet but it's also going nicely so far.
Flak was fun and quite a few interesting guns. thats it.
Fuck, my name is still cringe.
Moxxie is still fucking hot.
Wainwright and Typhon I actually quite enjoyed. Typhon was pretty much the only character in the game to get a chuckle out of me.
Better boss fights than Doom Eternal.
someone got filtered by funny axe man
I sure do love melting 1/4 of their HP in 2 seconds flat, before having to wait 10 seconds for their invulnerability to end, before doing the same thing 3 more times.
literally sounds like old mario bosses