>game's development lasted longer than 3 years
Game's development lasted longer than 3 years
>game is fun
3 years of showing off the game is the red flag. (Like TLOU2)
Development time red flag is 6 or more years.
shut up bro anime hitman will be revolutionary
tlou2 has a million red flags right now
Yandere Dev is amazing, an endless source of amusement
How would you develop a game like gta in only three years?
I don't play open world "games".
Vice City was less than a year
yo should have been more specific next time then and mention that by "game" you mean gacha and indieshit
>dev/publisher is chinese
5 stars red flag.
square Enix takes a decade or half of one to make a game
>original dev team has since long departed
That's why they're shit. No focus. Odds are very few individual people stayed on board the same project from beginning to release, making it unfocused, designed by committee.
>AAA game releases after only two years
>"Made by 343 Industries"
Tons of good games are developed over more years than that. You're just not made aware of them until the final 2.
seriously can't wait for game journos to praise the lesbian love triangle as "realistic" while simultaneously mocking the typical Christian antagonist plot
that’s a huge assumption and leak in logic. I’m not saying SE always makes good games but you think they NEVER have? what’s the point of having such stringent rules that don’t really prove anything?
idk, Mother 3 turned out fine
>designed by Fullbright or Dontnod
>written by David Cage or Hideo Kojima
GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas were all on the PS2.
Triple A is insanely expensive and dev cycles are 5 years now.
I don't think that counts since the development was rebooted in 2003 after the N64 version got cancelled in 2000 so technically Mother 3 only took 3 years of development
>broader audience
>more inclusive
>developed by diverse group of races/faiths/sexualities
>excited to announce
>old features gloated as new
>especially in post-X world
>broader audience
Really all you had to say
Worst case scenario it gets 7/10s. This means it'll be a 3/10.
Get used to it.
its made in current year