A wild Crysis Remastered appears

>a wild Crysis Remastered appears
>PCs everywhere : IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT

Attached: Crysis-Remastered-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 157.91K)

>The Switch can run Crysis

I looks bad desu famalan

Literal shill at work here. You can fuck right off.

Another demaster with lower graphics and less features cause it has to run on a fisher price handheld.

>paying for the same game with slightly different textures
just play crysis with mods

The suit looks pretty sharp. Just gotta turn off that shitty DoF.
>not pirating it

back to facebook, shill

the reason why Crysis STILL runs like shit on modern PC's is because Crytek thought the future of CPU's was hyper-fast single core CPU's, but it turned out that multiple cores was the better option, so Crysis is stuck using a single core and hoping it's gonna be at something dumb like 7-9GHz instead of spreading itself over 4+ cores each operating at 3Ghz

if someone could implement proper multi-core support for the original, then it would be fine as-is

If it runs on switch I'm pretty sure my 2010 toaster laptop will even play it.

Did they improve the graphics or does it still look like shit?

It's gonna look worse than the 2007 release. What's the point?

>all the later crysis games were shit because of consoles
>guys we're going to remaster crysis 1 and put it on the fucking switch
lmao what the fuck

I can already tell from the teaser that this remaster will be soulless.

>>a wild Crysis Remastered appears
>>PCs everywhere : IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT

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it is rare that a shill is so bad it actually stands out on this autism containment board

I wouldn't have mind if they put it on consoles if it was atleast on XboxSeX and PS5. But current consoles and the fucking Switch? I might aswell just play the original then.

It's a remaster of the 360/PS3 version, not the PC original. It's gonna be shit.

What's the purpose of software based raytracing? Their Tech Noir demo run everything half the res compared to Nvidia's RTX and will run like shit.

It will use the console version which was optimized for multi core they aren't dumb

You anti-switch tards do know crysis 3 ran on the nvidia shield? the thing with the cpu/gpu the switch is based on

whats the deal with the crysis meme? was it just poorly optimised? I doubt they were galaxy brained enough to make a game so demanding even PC's today still melt when playing it

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cringe and thumbs down

>>a wild Crysis Remastered appears
>>PCs everywhere : IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT

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read the thread before asking dumb questions retard
user here already answered

>advertises itself as the next leading benchmark for graphical fidelity
>has a port for the switch

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GG CRYTEK, you dipshits

It's optimized for single core threads. but most CPU's nowadays are quad/six/8core threads with lower single core speeds which is why Crysis still can't run 144 fps on an i9/3900x and 2080ti/5700xt.

Depends on the quality of the remaster, if they overhaul lighting/materials it will look better just by default, if they don't it will probably perform more similarly to Doom 2016 while looking as bad as the original Crysis.

this game still holds up graphically today, why would you butcher it with a "remaster"?

Crysis plays so smooth, it's a shame people only remember it for the graphics.

cryteks finances are DICEy


To make switchlets and consoletards buy an old game they have already lying around anyway.
And Crytek need the money, probably to fund their next game.


>the game holds up graphically
That's not even remotely true.

its really nice sandbox

>being graphically impressive while running on mobile hardware wouldn't be an achievement

>a wild Crysis Remastered appears
>PCs everywhere : IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT
>Big Chungus: Wait, that illegal1?
>actually it's Chuck Testa

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fucking kill yourself retarded american piece of shit

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it looks decent enough and plays smoothly, it's not some late 90s game, doesn't need a remaster imo

game went to shit after the aliens showed up though, it was fun before that

Don't you have AI to ruin, John Carmack?
Id Tech 5 and VR were a waste of time.

>oh gosh i hope my 2080 ti can run a game designed for the switch


No, fuck off jealous Romero

It looks dated, rendering technology has advanced quite a bit since Crysis, the only problem we has is that there isn't really a new Crisis, the closest thing we have is Star Citizen, it's being made for hardware that doesn't exist, but it's not really hitting it with the at least current age aesthetics. Playstations games dunk on it something chronic in terms of character rendering.

They could make a big jump with Crysis right now, but they won't, look at those blocky leaves, and that shitty metal.