I shall cure you, depriving of every Lobotomy Corporation Thread you may posess

I shall cure you, depriving of every Lobotomy Corporation Thread you may posess.

Attached: Doc.png (512x512, 297.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ezglot.com/words-ending-with.php?w=는 &l=kor&l2=&length=3&submit=Search

First for NO

Second for YES

How the fuck do I beat him?

But dying at the lowest bottom... Is not the WAY.

you can't beat him, but his Blanco form? With power of god

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Well, you can do this the cheesy way or the hard way. Cheesy way is the Green Midnight, hard way is to GIT GUD and LEARN TO KITE.

Attached: BigDickManager.png (402x409, 12.2K)

In three days it will be a year since first big LC thread started, are you happy Manager?

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Immensely so. There should be an anniversary thread on that day, I reckon.

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Based and Salvation pilled

Also waiting for new Wonderlab

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...it seems the timing of the thread was not a good one.


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How would purple midnight fare against White Night?

Call it a fit of pessimism. I’m sure we’ll manage to get to bump limit once more.


In previous thread day 28 was finished, Malkuth and Netzach suppressed, two of third birbs found, as well as such great abnormalities as Fetus, Train and QoH, for anyone who wants an update on Yas Forumscrop progress

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>Still no new Distortion Detective chapter
Wonderlab is nice and all but I'm getting pretty blueballed here.

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Terrible. Of all Midnight its worst to fight WN. To random and only would target WN minions, not itself and white tentacle would make most damage undone

What am I locking at?

Catt and White Lake from Wonderlab
There's a new chapter out

No need to wait now
Now we only need someone to upload it

You think they might wannn try to fight over the divine predominance.

Since I remember someone thinking about using Korean version to translate what the bird hates and it's free now there's the page

Attached: Korean birdu.png (1200x1734, 1.64M)

third word is hate, first is I, we just need to find all korean words that end with 는 and three parts, then we will get a full sentence

new LoR tune soon
sung by mili

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—는 • (--neun-)

a suffix indicating the present tense, appearing directly after a stem of a verb, ending in a consonant other than ㄹ (l), which is at the end of a declarative or exclamatory sentence or an indirect quotation clause.
—는 • (--neun)

a present-tense suffix used to turn a verb, or one of two adjectives, 있다 (itda, “existing”) and 없다 (eopda, “not existing”), into a dependent clause
딸이 책을 읽는다. (Ttari chaegeul ingneunda., “My daughter reads a book.”) 딸이 읽는 책 (ttari ingneun chaek, “the book that my daughter reads”)
내가 이곳에 산다. (Naega igose sanda., “I live in this place.”) 내가 사는 곳 (naega saneun got, “the place I live in”)
원천이란 물이 흘러 나오는 곳을 말한다.
Woncheoniran muri heulleo naoneun goseul malhanda.
Fount means something from which water flows.
호랑이가 동물원에 있다. (Horang-iga dongmurwone itda., “A tiger is in a zoo.”) 동물원에 있는 호랑이 (dongmurwone inneun horang-i, “a tiger which is in a zoo”)
우리는 그곳에 갈 수 없다. (Urineun geugose gal su eopda., “We can't go to the place.”) 우리는 갈 수 없는 그곳 (urineun gal su eomneun geugot, “the place we can't go to”)
밤을 걷는 선비. (Bameul geonneun seonbi., “A Scholar walks during the night.”)
Usage notes
The suffix -는 (neun) is appended directly to the stem of the verb. If the stem ends in a consonant ㄹ (l), the consonant ㄹ (l) drops out.

E.g.이기다 (igida, “to win”) 이기는 놈 (igineun nom, “the one who wins”)
얼다 (eolda, “to freeze”) 어는 점 (eoneun jeom, “freezing point”)

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ezglot.com/words-ending-with.php?w=는 &l=kor&l2=&length=3&submit=Search
None really fits so assuming it's actually suffix it could be talking about Fortitude

only one more month bros...
hopefully they take the extra time to add more content to the ea release

I just had a very foreboding thought of another fandom getting crossed with LoR because of the music, I don't like the future.
It involves a hotel

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don't fucking jinx us

please god no

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>afraid Sseth will bring wrong type of people
>afraid OC creation will bring wrong type of people
>afraid music will bring wrong type of people
bros, maybe having English translation is actually a mistake?

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>Being afraid.
Ma-na-ger. Come on. The motto's right there. Face the fear, Build the future. Whatever shit the other type of people will throw at us, we can overcome this. They'll surely get flitered by it.

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They have next to nothing in common.

I wish, LoR should have at least Slay the Spire difficulty

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>it's another "teth that instakills an agent for having too high stats" abno
Singing Machine all over again

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Cute, for who they are preparing Geb

For Cheesed.

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True. Game should remain obscure Korean thing what nobody plays