How do you guys deal with your annoying girlfriend during quarantine?

How do you guys deal with your annoying girlfriend during quarantine?

>GF tells me she wants to be close to me
>Tell her to shut the fuck up and go sit in another room while I play DMC 5
>Can hear her sobbing through the walls, interrupting my gameplay

Why are girls like this?

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My what?

I want to play vidya in my room alone but she keeps coming and trying to sit with me...

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No girlfriend no problem

>Rude faggots like OP have a gf
>Meanwhile I've never even kissed a girl

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>he has a girlfriend

You being nice is exactly the reason you don't have a gf
They want to be mistreated, abused, neglected, it makes their boring lives feel special


All women are whores.

Beat your whore into submission, inshallah

What are some good coop games to play with my loving gf? she bought me a pc for xmas and i want to share my love of vidya with her.

>tfw no bf with a feminine penis to snuggle and play video games with
And no I don't mean HRT troon. Just a petite sissy homo.


>You being nice is exactly the reason you don't have a gf
This. The only thing worse than simps with painfully mediocre girlfriends stinking up their lives and making them miserable is miserable incel nerds who wish they had a girlfriend.

My girl distracted me getting invaded in ds3 today and took my anger at the faggot who killed me as me yelling at her. Wahmen.

I fucked some other dudes girlfriend while playing street fighter. Get on my level.

just had my one year anniversary and reading this makes me truly pity the young men who read shit like this on the internet and believe it.

I did that while playing Smash.

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>just had my one year anniversary
I hope you realize posting shit like this on Yas Forums can be a huge jinx for your relationship.

>One year

Based safe user practicing social distancing

shame you won't make it to two.

Girlfriends are like high sugar sweets or hard drigs: they make you feel super good, but they're gonna damage you on the inside on the long run

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fake but based

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i can live without her and she knows it. there, the secret to getting and keeping women. you're welcome virgins.

I literally have autism so it's not my fault I don't have a gf. Shut up and leave me alone.

based DMChad

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L4D 2 and Enter the Gungeon
maybe Overwatch

Hearing Yas Forums talk about relationship advice is equal parts hilarious and pathetic. Exactly how many girls are swooning over your redpilled 'tude?

If crippled artists can get laid then you have no excuse.

Just the one.

>t. incel

The OP is a joke, you guys know that right?

You're thinking of retards. Retards are the chads of the autistic race. Meanwhile I'm going to die alone, forever discussing Sonic on Yas Forums.

We're playing a lot of boardgames, taking turns cooking for eachother, and did up letterboxd lists of films we want the other to try but think they'd normally not watch.

I've gotten her to finally give Mexican food a shot, she's proven she trounces me at anything Indian, and we finished a marathon of 40s-60s musical films that I selected last weekend.

op is bait you idiot

I'm talking about the unironic retards in here flaunting their bullshit bravado

Rayman Origins, Overcooked series, Spelunky and Human Fall Flat are beyond a doubt the most fun we had with local coop. Orcs Must Die 2 is also great, but only has online coop.

Borderlands 2 is a decent time killer. As is RE5. We've tried a lot of other stuff that didn't excel in coop. I wanted to try Divinity OS but my wife is too much of a brainlet.