>best game in recent years
>best soundtrack in recent years
>best DLC in recent years
>no one played it
Best game in recent years
Other urls found in this thread:
>no one played it
I played it
Based and Redpilled
I'm waiting for the fantranslation of 3 to get finished before I jump into this franchise since I refuse to play anything out of release order.
>bbbut the translation is finished
If you mean v2.0 then no it's not, multiple minor objectives are not translated for example if you clear objectives in a different order you get different dialogues with wingmen and all that shit is not translated, the ingame library which explains all the lore of what's going on isn't translated either, and one mission's critical path isn't translated either.
Also the current font is abysmal because they didn't have the necessary know-how in order to implement better, higher resolution one.
>I'm waiting for the fantranslation of 3 to get finished
It's been done for years.
Congratulations for being an ADHD illiterate zoomzoom that didn't read my post, get terminal cancer and die in agony.
>he doesn't know
There's absolutely no reason not to skip first 3 games.
See above.
>skipping games
Why the fuck do I even still come to this shithole when it has been infested with ADHD zoomzooms.
the multiplayer is alive as fuck OP, at least on PS4
There's absolutely no reason not to skip every game after 3
i wouldnt say the best game the recent years, theres pretty obvious faults especially in the story. but god damn the DLC was fantastic. as long as AC8 has the same quality as the DLC in 7 it legitimately might be a contender for GOTY.
A good thread for my son
You are partially correct
Terrible bait, but I'm always down for an AC thread
My wive's boyfriend's ex-wive's son*
That's something
he... com... th... bo...
here comes the boom
Here Comes The Boom
HerE ComeS ThE BooM
Real life A World With No Boundaries when
You're literally autistic. If you said some shit like this to a dude in rl they would tip the fbi off to a potential mass shooter
>Spent last night playing multiplayer for several hours on PC
>The QAAM and EML shitters were barely around so even the Unlimited rooms were great
I don't always get to fly my favourite superplanes but I'm glad when I'm able.
I played it and it constantly crashed my PS4 Pro, the fuckign irony that a jet fighter game turned my PS4 into a jet fighter, and its own fan coulnt keep up
>no counterarguments
>ad hominem
Get terminal rectum cancer and die in agony, zoomzoom :^)
>playing Unreal Engine 4 multiplats on consoles
lmaoing @ ur lyf kid
That's what you get for not playan on PC.
Lmao thanks for proving my point
Posting best AC OST
If only actual paramilitary terrorist organizations were so noble and old-school. Nowadays it's just uneducated third-world people pretending to fight for their religion or country, and the shadowy masses that pay them.
just make your own, I'm sure there will be a shitload people willing to join one like World with no Boundaries(even as Fifth Columnists)
Where should the next Ace Combat be set?
Belkan Empire
Hey Yas Forumsros, actual zoomer here. I've been meaning to get into Ace Combat for a while now, but I don't know where I should start. I remember playing one on the XB360 like 10 years ago and it was pretty fun I think. I've asked this before and people usually tell 4>5>0 is the right order and to not bother with the other games. So if were to play those 3, would I be ready for 7? It sounds kino as fuck the way guys talk about it.
Post favourite plane
Director Kono has been posting about Sotoa on Twitter.
>Islamic Europan Union
Subtle, but non-canon.
A sequel to 7 set between events of 7 and 3
Then last one should be a remake of 3 to culminate this "futuristic" trilogy.