I like Consoles but whats the Point of the new Xbox since everyone who is not poor has at least a midrange PC at home...

I like Consoles but whats the Point of the new Xbox since everyone who is not poor has at least a midrange PC at home? Same Games, higher prices. Its 100% save that Sony wins again because muh moviegames

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Not poor, not rich either, and don't have a midrange PC at home. I have a macbook pro that is overkill for work. I game on consoles only. PS for singleplayer exclusive stuff, Xbox for multiplats, and Switch for exclusives/indies.

Gamepass is still the best deal in gaming, and I'm surprised they haven't raised the price yet. They probably will a year after the Series X comes out.

MS believes you'll buy an Xbox to play 2 different Not Fallout games, when you'll probably just stick to PC and play Fallout

>everybody who is not poor has atleast a midrange PC
You ever talked to literally anybody outside of Yas Forums? You can't actually believe this, surely.

Okay that makes sense, i swiched from a macbook to PC, since then my consoles are collecting dust. I dont like the concept of exclusives but thats the only thing that will make me buy a PS5

Really about 80% of the people i know have either a good PC or Laptop at home.

>I dont like the concept of exclusives but thats the only thing that will make me buy a PS5

That’s why we’ll forever see exclusives and likely more of them.

Gamepass is really awesome, and if it was for xbox only i would have bought Series X on day one.
Since Gamepass is on PC now too, why cant i use it crossplatform?

Yes, same problem as for DLC and ingame payments for years. Eceryone hates it but you want more of your favorite games, so youll buy it

Nice to sit on a couch

>since everyone who is not poor has at least a midrange PC at home
Go outside, nobody has a pc gamer.
And the nextgen console have at least the power of a rtx2080ti

>everyone who is not poor has at least a midrange PC at home
Lol no they don't. PC gamers are non existent compared to console gamers unless you live in asia where PC gaming is dominated by internet cafes. I'm a member of gaming societies in my u university and in general I keep in contact with loads of people I went to school/college with or worked with and of all those people I only know a handful of PC gamers yet I have over 100 friends on xbox/playstation individually.

Sony will have better first party games, but they will also have exceptionally bad hardware once again if the rumors are true.

Yes i have nvidia shield TV and Stream my games to couch from time to time. Works fine

Is an Xbone X worth paying an extra $150 for over an S? I'm thinking of getting one. I don't give a shit about visuals, mainly performance of the games. Is there a drastic enough difference?

No way it will have 2080ti power.

Hows the input lag on it?

couch gaming you drooling retard

even the best HTPC can't handle TV a fraction as well since the tuner card market dried up (thanks to MS killing MCE lol)

I got a One S a few months ago and i regret not paying the extra money. Performance is really bad, even compared to Standart PS4

yes it does. they already showed a demo with an unoptimized game on the new xbox and it had the samer performance of a 2080ti.

And the thing snoydrones always conveniently forget is that play anywhere is free of charge.

If you wire it to your modem its almost non existend. Even wireless its not worth to mention really.

Jesus Christ really? Base PS4 is pretty shit with a lot of games.

Please explain. As a sony fag i lost track on microsoft features

Yes no joke, i bought it for Xbox 360 Games like Vanquish or Based Skate 3 Wochen works fine. But other than that, its really hard to look at sometimes

>better first party games
even that is subjective. If they make Bloodborne 2, then they will have the best game of the upcoming gen. Other than that it's a lot of lame movie shit that reviewers love, because they wish gaming was as legitimate as films, and they probably wanted to be film critics/ journos but couldn't cut it.

Apart from Bloodborne and the third party jap games that come out first on PS, I prefer the Xbox games. They're mostly sequels, but they're actually games. Killer Instinct, Forza Horizon series, Motorsport series, Halo, and even Gears are still fun games. Halo and Gears have been declining though.


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Wait until real games release, not tech Demos. Same thing with ps4/pro as they were announced, PR bullshit

Well alot of games have a 60fps option on the OneX that can't be done on base model. I know you don't care about visuals but that alone is also a massive difference on it's own.

It's convenient having your stuff transfer seamlessly between your PC and couch

Microsoft should have hired Itagaki and his team when they left Tecmo. Ninja Gaiden was my favorite xbox exclusive, too bad they lost it.

It's not PR bullshit dumbass, they showed the game running on realtime on the console.
RDNA 2 is supposed to be "big navi", aka 30% at least more powerful than the current 5700xt which is already very powerful.

Yes i have ps4 and xbox and even if i really liked Forza and Halo (online) i habe to say that i had more fun with things like uncharted etc. Even if there are many Movie games, they are nice for a playthrough on a weekend and selling on Ebay After that. But yes , at the time i only bought the ps4 for bloodborne


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Well in the same way not everyone is a drooling retarded audiophile, not everybody wants to go through all that trouble for minor gains, and missing features(usually splitscreen).

But for me especially, I like to use my computer to program and work primarily and the games I like too play on it are PC-targeted experiences like Universalis, Arma and Dorf Fort, otherwise whats the point of PC gaming if I'm gonna spend more money on hardware to play games I can just play from the comfort of my couch.

Some people dont like pcs user you fucking retard.

Okay ill look at it. maybe im biased because i play games with the 144hz meme on PC and cant Go Back to 30fps checkerboarding at the moment

>not tech Demos
They literally shown off Gears 5 and compared it to the same performance as a 2080ti you braindead mong.

Uh the Gears 5 on XSX was running at 4k 60fps with settingsaround Ultra.
They plan a 4k 120fps mode for Multiplayer.

A couple of your friends doesn't represent the market share, which is still dominated by consoles and mobile games despite the rise of PCs in the last decade.
If we're going off personal experience, most young people I know have a console, but only people who actually play games regularly own a decent PC for it

Crossbuy and crossave between PC and Xbox. Buy it one time, play it on both. Saves are stored in the cloud so you can continue your shit on which device you feel like.

If you have a PC you should spend your money on upgrading it as much as you can instead of paying for any next gen console.
If you don’t play on PC, then how does Xbox games coming to PC affect you?

That is nice. My question is, Gamepass is now available for PC too. If i get it, does it also count on my Xbox Series X? Or do i have to pay again die xbox. I mean , its the same microsoft account

One X is over 4X more poweful than one S.
That said wait for the series X this year, that console is is looking to be amazing.

There's a cheaper tier of PC/xbox only gamepass, but as long as it's an xbox app the game shares your progress

I have a high end rig, because of that i wanted to know if there are any nice features that would make me buy a xbox. I loved my Xbox360 at the time. But well, as i PC owner i think the only interesting Console would be PS5 because of exclusives