How the fuck is this even legal?

How the fuck is this even legal?

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Boomers don't have time to play viday, so they are selling them the perfect game which will never be released. And they are fine with it.

>Shroud of the Avatar
Never heard of it, had to look it up.
Yikes. Another complete garbage MMO. Richard Garriott is a washed up hack.

You can "play" Star Citizen though.

>Mighty No. 9
Totally forgot about that one.

listen they get what they deserve, if you weren't sold on Kickstarter being a scam after Ouya or that garbage hipster game by Tim Schafer there's nothing you can do or sway to help these people.

Kickstarter isn't a scam, it's a platform used by scammers. Games which aren't overly ambitious at first glance or come from a company with a good track record usually come through, you'd be surprised how many games were crowdfunded. You could also say it's a gamble.

That was so retarded.

see this guy can't be helped, you throw up a picture of character design he likes and an unplayable "proof of concept" and he'll empty his wallet to you

Nobody's forcing you or anyone else to give money to other people for their promises. And people are idiots, so why are you surprised?
I mean, ffs, how the hell did they get 275 mil?

They got all that money just because they shopped a screen of Skyrim on the promotional picture.

It's literally like the 10th time now that SC has run out of money and got 10+ millions of external investment. It's not gonna happen, and when everyone finally realise they've failed even with so much extra free money, the dudes at the top are gonna sell the IP and assets and do a runner.

275m is not really a lot for a AAA game

Americans are mentally ill, that's how

it is for a game with no ad budget

>Dark souls the boardgame
wait what

if they need more money they'll just add a pet management system, and whoever back gets the pick the name they want for their pet, boom 20 million more dollars just like that.

Oh right, almost forgot about that.

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How can a game that raised $275M still not be released after 8 years? Are they employing hamsters to do the work and pocketing the rest of the cash?

how could it not?

It is.

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It's one huge scam.

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Did you seriously think that before you saw
? Even they don't take billionaires to fund them.

What will release first? Star Citizen or Yandere Simulator?

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hunter x hunter

>double the budget of GTAIV
>the game is substantially worse
Goes to show how more money doesn't necessarily translate into a better product.

Kickstarter sucks for videogames, it rewards promising over delivering. I'm glad that this fad is mostly over.

>24 posts
>No one stated the obvious

Let's get this shit started, post /yfw you never bought into the Star Citizen scam

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fuck off you shitting me
they did not seriously run out of money

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Amazing how much money cucks made with this one. Use a cult classic name, add propaganda and you are ready to go. Reminds me of Beamdog.

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Certainly, it's kind like diminishing returs, this can happen in any project, there's a certain amount of resources that is optimal and going above that doesn't really help.

There is a point where throwing money at a project will do nothing to help it get done faster or better. Anyone who gives their money to these guys now is just lining someone's pocket whether that someone intended it that way or not.

The scamming endboss
he finally dethroned both Molyneux and Howard

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>there's a certain amount of resources that is optimal and going above that doesn't really help
Also the vision has to be there from the start with the talent to see it through. If someone paid me 275mil to make a game I'd never be able to release it either because I'm a fucking retard and I don't have the slightest clue how to make a game.

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Why should it be illegal? Fuck the stupid.