Adachi was only 27, why didn't he just start lifting, focus on his career, and make some friends?
Adachi was only 27, why didn't he just start lifting, focus on his career, and make some friends?
You will try to do that and still be unhappy, you're just a little child
>not wanting to become a cop to show off your badge to the ladies and walk around with a gun like an alpha
What's wrong with you, Yas Forums?
Second worst villain in a game after Persona 5. Give me team rocket over this cringe shit any day.
He never valued making friends, lifting, and other shit. When all his Japanese hard work came to nothing, he was completely disillusioned and gave up entirely.
>make some friends
Wish I fucking knew how.
So you saying hes 27 and goes to high school ?
Because he was right.
Just be yourself bro.
I agree. I’m 25 and pic is me; I also have a stable job with a solid income in IT. To be fair though, you usually only become a teacher if you have no motivation to grow past 24 intellectually.
You are life is over after 21
>those stretch marks
big yikes.
>high school
>stretchmarks on the armpits
He knew it was too late.
>set the game up to be a kid sleuth murder mystery
>don't do any investigation outside of asking locals about the latest victim
>Game offers up 3 different culprits
>none of them have interesting motives
>the plot of a serial murderer is built entirely on a series of coincidences.
I enjoyed P4 but it really is a mess
Lifting is not a solution for actual problems, you retarded tourist.
I got what you asked for.
>work with people in their 40s and 50s who all have kids my age so although they like me, hanging out is weird and they're all busy with family anyway
>No social outlets to make new friends
Shit sucks.
He was retarded
Your uggo face means your muscles don't mean shit. Also nice stretchmarks and tats faggot.
How the FUCK do you even get stretch marks on your ARMPITS ???
You walk up to them and talk
wow that was hard
I'd plow your fit boipussy till you have a prostate orgasm user.
Nigga what?
remember, they don't play games
Maybe it's different for cops in Japan? Maybe they're not buddy-buddy like over here.
Simple, be fat at some point in your life.
Because I assume this fictional gook has no aspirations and sells himself short, and like me is waiting to kill himself when he has nothing anchoring himself to this world
I have stretch marks around my biceps and hips from growth spurts. I feel bullied!
He was an adult male in japan. I mean, aside from his other issues, it's a shitty life with no real freedom or opportunities. There is a reason so many anime as focused on youths, why adult heroes who aren't in 'respectable work' are all Dante, and why Isekai is so popular. I suspect most of them want to kill themselves, if not others.
Bicentennial reminder that Adachi is not only the killer but a failure by his own stated definition, in fact he railed against the naturally gifted, yet is literally given a golden ticket (well card I guess but fuck it) to power and what does he do with it? Throw up, indirectly rely on a television to murder someone after relying on a television to hide someone else, then do absolutely nothing with it for an entire year, and do something that required no effort at all.
Adachi was handed talent and squandered it. Forget the "what a monster" high school bullshit if you're a moral relativist jackass; forget the bitches and whores if you think they deserved it; Adachi is just fucking craven and lazy and that's terrible.