You cunts are fucking cynical

you cunts are fucking cynical
name a game from the past five years that you like

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch

Hotline Miami


Titanfall 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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Ittle Dew 2




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Monster Hunter World + Iceborne
Disco Elysium
Vermintide 2

This, it has SOUL

Binary Domain, it's a good spot of average TPS shooty bang bang with strong character writing due to how the mechanics and story tie in.

divinity original sin 2

Prey 2016, Sekiro

Man great taste I adore Binary Domain but that game's 8 years old now.

That was actually more than 5 years ago by 1 month now.

Xenoblade 2.

came out in 2012

Dragon Quest 11
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Kingdom Come Deliverance

Oh shit, really? Fuck, uh Strain Tactics. It's a Top Down Mobile RTS. And by that I mean you're supposed to click-drag your guys and manage them, like Doorkickers, but with Xenomoprh-inspired Necromorphs. All in a Cyberpunk world that strongly evokes a Evangelion meets STALKER vibe.

Absolutely none.

your moms pussy lol

I grew rather found of stellaris

Monhun World
DOOM + Eternal
Nioh 2

I could probably name at least 20 total but I don't feel like checking which are actually in the past 5 years and which are 6-7. There's plenty of cynical faggots on Yas Forums that just hate everything, but there's a minority of us that still enjoy games and want to talk about games we like. Just learn to ignore the contrarian/hater/Tortanic crowd.

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>Titanfall 2

Slow detected.


persnoy 5
vermintiddie 2
axiom virgin
mega bland 11
scumrider academy
dank souls 3
salty sacktuary
those are just the first few I can think of


Near A Tomato

>Ass Creed Chronicles
>Fallout 4, even if it killed Fallout as franchise for me, I still liked exploring and got autistically obsessed with the settlement building
>Hotline Miami 2
>Mortal Kombat X
>Dark Souls 3, even if it was the worst one with NO POISE
>Pokemon Sun and Moon, even if it was continuing the decline in quality of franchise I still enjoyed them a lot
>Titanfall 2
>Total War: Warhammer
>Nier Automata
>Total War: Warhammer 2
>Into the Breach
>Apex Legends, even though it's objectively shit
>Call of Duty: Mobile
none so far

I don't think I forgot any but just seems like gaming has been getting worse.


XCOM: Diversity Squad looks like it could be fun, only $10 and comes out in a week

Luigi's Mansion 3.
Checkmate, faggot.

Specter of Torment

Megaman Rock & Roll is one of my favourite games and it came out this year.

Assraping your nan

just play better games

Oh wait my bad I didn’t realize it had to be from within the past 5 years

I like Templar Battleforce.

The only good videogame.

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