Best Metroid game?

Best Metroid game?

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prime 2

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Prime 3.

[spolier]Prime _

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Prime 2


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Super or Prime 2

if you want a metroid thread dont post coomer samus OP

Super, tranny


Greatest to least (but the quality doesn't really drop off until after Prime):
Super Metroid
Metroid II
Metroid Prime 2
Zero Mission
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 3

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Whoops forgot AM2R, which goes after Zero Mission.

Zero Mission

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Fusion or AM2R

If Prime 4 doesn't have Hunter's multiplayer I'll be really sad.
Prime or Super probably.

I rate AM2R as the best and Super Metroid as second, get a load of these noob tastes.
But really all four 2D metroids are great and i archived them forever in my hall of fame.
The prime games are so different you can't really consider both series in a single whole and by the way Corruption stands at the same level as the other two. I mean that the waggle gimmicks and corruption beam don't change the fact that all 3 primes are equally annoying in the same manner.

ZM is way better than SR, the hell?


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Is there anything I should know before going into the Prime Trilogy?

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Not him but where at?

You should be playing it with Primehack.

So how should I go about playing the series?
Zero Mission, 2 , Super Metroid, Fusion and then prime games?
What about that fangame and the 3ds game?

Fusion for me, i could never finish it as a kid because of how scary it was.

I think he's questioning the placement on ZR and SR in the same tier, and probably suggesting ZR should be Top Tier or higher. To which I agree.

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I like using the wii pointer though

play release order ignoring the first two
super -> fusion -> zero -> am2r
don't worry about plot it's threadbare

FDS version of the original.
Samus Returns because its underrated.

Meant to say ZM, not ZR

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Metroid, Metroid 2, Super, and Fusion
ZM, SR, Super, and Fusion
You could play the spin-off Prime subseries if you want but they're not required. If you're going to play one remake, play them all, if you're going to play one classic play them all, the jump is too big.

SR is appropriately rated: It's a return for Metroid, but it wasn't outstanding. Just an okay Metroid game.

New bad. :(

The boss fight, Normal difficulty, gameplay length, art style, music, and Zero Suit segment killed it so SR is better by default but I still prefer the originals.


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I think you're massively overrating ZM

Use primehack or play the wii version. Gc controls are aids

If you like the Zero Suit over Metroid you're either ACfag or a tranny.


SR has way more faults than those, if you ask me.

SR refined and improved M2's formula while improving and opening it up. Not to mention improving the challenge. The enviroments are also the best on the 3DS.

Yeah? Would you place SR and ZM in the same tier?

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The only faults it has are some of the ones from Metroid 2.
>music changes
>lack of enemy variety
>enemies in areas with none
>Ridley appearing
>all enemies are aggressive
That's about it ZM was a disappointment in comparison.

samus returns literally added nothing to metroid threads god damn at least other m and fed force had memes

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>SR refined and improved M2's formula
I don't call including heat sections and obnoxiously playing Lower Norfair each time you enter these sections improving MII's formula.
>while opening it up
Objectively true, but at the expense of mood and isolation.
>Improving the challenge
It's real challenging when you have an aeon scanner ability, yes. It's real challenging waiting for the enemy to flash so I can push the parry button for a canned animation.
>The environments are also the best on the 3DS
They were nice yeah.

Pretty much, but I'd say it added nothing interesting or anybody was looking for. Zero Mission is guilty of this as well with Mecha Ridley, but Zero Mission was a grand return after a 7 year hiatus.

I probably would, yeah. I think they're both good games in their own right and decent remakes of the original games, but both have some flaws that hold them back (Zero Mission overcorrecting the original game and being too handholdy, and Samus Returns not really doing much to expand on the original).

>The boss fight, Normal difficulty
>game length
It's short, I'll give you that, but I'd rather replay ZM than SR
>art style
SR looks worse
SR's music is pretty weak, too
>Zero Suit segment
It's lame, but it's at the very end of the game, so now I just skip it

You can't make people wait 13 years for a new 2D Metroid only to show up with a remake and then wonder why the reaction is lukewarm.

Maybe remakes and midquels were a mistake. Maybe they should have made Metroid 5 right away.

zero mission added chozo lore and the sex suit

the reaction to am2r was really great, best metroid threads since prime 3

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