>Yas Forums loves ff7 remake now

what happened
you hated it a week ago

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yes, Yas Forums is one entity. Big dumb retard.

>what happened

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it's kino as fuck

People were pissed because it's a reboot and not a remake.
People played the hard mode since last week and the gameplay is good (also you can skip the bike scenes and the cutscenes)

It's just impossible to hate completely. the good parts are too good.

only the super hardcore no-lifers beat it and were talking about it in the first 1-3 days, and lots of the fat autists hate it because it wasn't a carbon copy of the original with new graphics

and now that NORMAL people have played it, reviews are wonderful

>the shills are still here despite biggest sales over!
>Does that mean people...actually like the game?

The game is KINO, we haven't got this level of KINO for a long time.

More like Yas Forums-assmad spoilers fags who watched only the ending and got UPSET.

Imagine defending false advertising

>hurr weebs bad normies good durr
fuck you
don't play jap games if you hate weebs

"We" didn't hate it.

It was a bunch of die hard FFVII fans who circlejerked the ending as being the downfall for SE and that this game will go down in history as the worst rated ever.

They all shut up by now, because a) none of them actually played the game when they were sperging out, and b) most people and old time fans actually like the game and their vision of universal hate didn't become true

Fuck You!

1:1 remake would have been boring.

I don't hate weebs, but there's a small percentage of ultra retard weebs that not even other fucking weebs like, and THOSE are the ones who shit all over the game (because they watched a stream and didn't even PLAY it)

Can someone redpill me on why making the allies' AI bad is a GOOD thing ?

I'd prefer a 1:1 remake over Nomura's psychotic Advent Children fanfiction and making a 3-hour segment last 10x as long through padding and filler

>What's the honeymoon phase?

More like bandwagoners just parrot opinions until their copy came in 5-days late and they changed their mind and became fair weather fans

Eurofags played it early last week and hated it while amerifats have only just just played it. I'm sure there's a correlation there.

So in other words "we" hated it and (You) are trying your best to damage control it.

>Yas Forums gets trolled by Aussies that got it early
>rage eternally
>until they get their hands on it, and realize it's not so bad

Since its come out there's been a lot of hate threads on here with people listing all the things they dislike about the game, mainly the ending.

I haven't seen anyone defend the ending, I haven't seen one person on here say they likes the time jannies and fighting interdimensional gods.

The only people who say they like the game don't give any detail, they start a thread saying they like it then disappear, leaving the autists to take the obvious bait.

So basically anybody saying they like it is lying, and are just trying to rustle some jimmies.

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It was cringe how they added all these scenes of sephiroth when he's not supposed to be in the game yet

Hard disagree.

It's just a new marketing tactic, yesterday they created about 15 of these threads within an hour, so long as one sticks it works.

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>I have no girlfriend and I hated it so everyone else hated it also I'm a faggot

Retarded console children, mostly Americans, are praising it like shills while downplaying all critique. Mostly because it's exclusive, that's why people are ignoring those PS1 textures and the terrible voice acting.

The honeymoon phase was people complaining for a week.


Just vii boomers who can't cope with change

Say it with me user, GOTY.

>Someone took the time write this
That's so low quality it's not even at reddit level...

Would you work at Shinra?

Only if I can be Scarlet's toilet

Was hoping it got the REmake 1 treatment...

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Why don't you take some of that gas from all that gaslighting and choke yourself out for good?

This is coming from someone who bought a remake expecting 1:1 and instead got an objectively worse story.

He either eats shit or he's a shill.

You proved his point, retard.

>Yas Forums is one opinion
Back to chyna, you communist cunt

Since this is a marketing thread and all
Is how I feel about the remake, how about you guys?

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>Yas Forums is not one guy
Shut up or go back.

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reddit is such a weak scapegoat

game good