What cool ideas have you come up with for your Animal Crossing town?
What cool ideas have you come up with for your Animal Crossing town?
If any one has the circuit kit please hook me up. I need it to finish my lab.
I'm not really sure what else I can add to my marketplace.
>get a letter from Coco that we should meet sometimes
>want to visit her
>she's not at home
>search outside
>nowhere to be found
>start visiting other villagers to check if she's there
>mfw she's at Hopkin's house
>mfw Hopkin warns me not to touch the table cause he spilled "milk" on there
I've never felt so hurt bros...
0465 - 5367 - 1338
Try this creator ID for some sweet paths.
>spend one afternoon catching bugs whilst watching anime
Turnips are a meme.
I've unfortunately not got the sign DIY recipe yet so I can't use most of them, however i'm gonna go apeshit with my town when I eventually get it.
How can you curve custom paths?
Plac the designs on top of island designer paths (I think it needs a transparent pixel) and it'll just cover it.
Make the pattern curved.
Curved patterns. Curved. Patterns.
I want to kind of hollow out the tier 3 cliffs in my town and place my house down into the resulting valley, but I'm worried it will look dumb and I'll have done all that work and end up not liking it.
Great minds think alike, but I like yours more. Here's part of my marketplace. The right hand side is a Pocket Camp shrine, because I love Pocket Camp.
do it that sounds cool. you can even make a really high up waterfall falling down
>2 robots but only 2 of the 4 power rangers? For shame.
I have way too many personal favorites I need to have in my village at all times to ever try to assemble a village with that much clout
>Papi gives me "triangle shades"
>Put them on expecting the dickass lamina shades from NL
>Garish piece of shit shades
At least I love garish piece of shit shades but I'm still disappointed.
Do it. If you don't like it, just move it again. It's only like 50k bells to move a house, and you've got plenty of time to terraform before the next event starts.
Speaking of which, Gyroids are coming in this Leif event, I feel it in my balls. Also my dad's boyfriend works at Nintendo and he told me so yeah.
What is up with Sealion? There are a bunch of items with that logo. I wonder what it is.
>earth day
>gyroids are found in the earth
Hm... I could see it.
I think I've got one. Let me check.
Saharas in my town, and gave me the following
Flooring - Floral rush-mat flooring
Wallpaper - Ringside seating, it's animated!
Small rug - Red-Design Kitchen Mat
Medium rug - White wooden-deck rug
Large rug - Blue stripes rug
Second Flooring - Gravel Flooring
Is Sahara randomised for anyone that visits? Or will they get the same as me?
The 3 rugs are the same for everyone, mystery stuff is different.
they get the same as you
Southern hemisphere bros or time travel bros... is there a set of fall themed items or is it just one-off stuff like that pile of leaves? I might set aside one of my rooms to be a fall room if they have a set.
I'm pretty certain the normal mystery stuff is the same as everyone, while the ones you get with a tciket are different
>Sea Gyroids
>Wood Gyroids
>Leaf Gyroids
>Sky Gyroids
>Stone Gyroids
>Earth Gyroids
I have the Electronics Kit, is that the same thing?
there's a fall set, winter set and summer set
>If not for that poor roll at the end, you might have even beaten me Mr. Nook
they should add a note book like in majoras mask to the game but with less auto completion.
upcoming downloadable content
Is the bamboo set supposed to be the spring set?
That’s great!
Anyone save the casement fight club? I’ve never seen it reposted
i wish i wasnt bad at listening to music, so i could make my own tune for my dumb island.
Don't worry, we'll make one for you. What do you need?
>Been running up and down the coast of my island searching for Oarfish for a couple hours now
>Not a single one so far
I just want the model and an extra to keep in my house, is that so much to ask?
Hows my bathroom look so far?
Better idea: They should add the Majora's Mask item from New Leaf back into the game. I miss that item.
the model isn't great, just so you know
Better than mine, which has a stone table in the middle because I don't have any good tables. By the way, you can actually customize that screen by the shower. There is a pattern that would match well with that blue wall.
Even if that's true, I still want it.
It feels almost intentional that the fish models all suck because they aren't Flick's passion.