Wait 25 years for real time ray tracing to become feasible in video games

>wait 25 years for real time ray tracing to become feasible in video games
>zoomers call it a meme

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>special gpu bullshit to sell their newest cards
>massive performance loss
>not a meme
Plus we all know where real time dynamic lightning brought us and most of the time it's worse than what we had before.

>he can't tell the difference between RTX and ray tracing
Zoomer, please.

>Plus we all know where real time dynamic lightning brought us and most of the time it's worse than what we had before.

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It's not performance loss, it's performance cost. A cost that is worth it. I am not obsessed with 60 fps in all games. I am willing to go as low as 20 fps if it means a significant leap in graphics.

did I mention RTX you fool

It really is a gimmick in current gen. Wait a little while and you'll be call a poortard for ant having RT

>Plus we all know where real time dynamic lightning brought us and most of the time it's worse than what we had before.
blind tranny

Ray tracing was always fucking real time or it wouldn't be fucking ray tracing, now there's just MORE rays being traced, and they're bouncing a few more times, and they're adding them up in what CG production usually calls final gathering, and they try to make it sound like a new thing because they need to sell new cards with custom cores dedicated to the process.

It's a complete fucking meme.

What's on the other side of a black hole bros?

Attached: boogeyman.jpg (405x544, 26.12K)

FF7R should have utilized it. Ray tracing is an essential part of the original game's look.

If you think "zoomers" are so bad, why do you care what they think then? This "zoomer boomer" meme is getting out of hand. Fucking filter it already.

Holy shit you are absolutely retarded.

Stop moving goal posts. Ray tracing was possible many years ago (albeit with shit performance), you zoomers discovered it only after RTX marketing campaign.

>Ray tracing was always fucking real time or it wouldn't be fucking ray tracing
Pre-rendered backgrounds and sprites were created via ray tracing.

no actually thats wrong

There is no other side, is just a really heavy ball of stuff.

It is a meme in its current state
though DLSS 2.0 sure as hell made it less of a meme
t. RTX 2070 owner


Imagine the psychoanalytics having a fucking field day with conditioning research because of the zoomer-boomer meme.

PS4 pro can barely run at 30fps at any res higher than 1080p. No one will expect it to have RT realistically

It will probably be ported to PS5 with RT when it comes out

>Ray tracing was possible many years ago (albeit with shit performance)
real time 3d graphics were possible in the 70s but no one was calling the PlayStation a meme for pushing 3d graphics in the 90s.

I am not a zoomer and I've known about ray tracing since the 90s when a blurb in a game magazine explained it was how pre-rendered promo shots and backgrounds were made, and that games would not look like that in real time for many, many years.

It should have been a PS5 game to start with. And the PS5 should have cost $999 with better hardware than it actually has in reality.

What's the real appeal behind raytracing? Is it the actual output of the effect, or is it just cool because of how it works?

It just flat out looks better
Yas Forums likes to talk about "soul" a lot and imo ray tracing is the soulful looking form of 3d graphics

it literally just allows for more realistic lighting, which is a huge part of what makes games look good

Can I get some comparison screenshots with/without it? I am a wealthy investor and would like to see if this is worth my while.

FFVIIR part 2 or whatever it'll be called will be made with PS4 in mind cus $$$.
A thousand bucks for a console? Sony would go bankrupt mate. No plebs would pay that much. 500$ is already a stretch

What's the real appeal behind 3D?

There are a lot of things that raytracing benefits. IMO however, the most important is what it allows artists to do. Artists still need to be familiar with the tools, but with raytracing, we can skip a lot of the weird software tricks they use to make things look nice. That lets artists more intuitively create a scene and iterate a lot faster.

Then why are there theories that claim the black holes can be used as wormholes

kys zoomer scum

It wouldn't cost $999 forever, that's just for the sucker early adopters, loyalists, and richfags. An amazing looking FF7R would have helped it.

Because singularities, while interesting, are very annoying to our understanding of modern physics. If all the shit that falls into a singularity falls down to a single point, where does it go? What does that even mean? Is it the size of a particle? Does it just shrink forever? You need a way to explain and account for the stuff that falls in otherwise its an indicator that all of our math and physics are wrong or at least incomplete. So one solution is that there could be a white hole somewhere that constantly ejects matter. Obviously no white holes have been detected in nature though.