Danganchads get in here and place your bets
>Fighting Game
>THH Reboot
>D3 anime adaptation
>Or get trolled and get nothing
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Danganronpa is just Phoenix Wright for zoomers
Thank you for your contribution
I'm a boomer and I like Danganronpa more. My favorite Phoenix Wright game was the second Edgeworth one, because of all the cases being interconnected to each other, and Danganronpa basically takes that even further.
They're two completely different games and liking one doesn't stop you from liking the other
Danganronpa Mystery Dungeon
I'd prefer V2 I guess but it's probably UDG2 if anything at all
I really want a dancing game
Or a Persona x Danganronpa fighting game
I'm betting for a musical adaptation.
Or worst, a live movie.
I would play the fuck out of that.
I feel like I could single leg Tenko
Isn't that basically the side mode in V3?
zoomer and I like Phoenix Wright more.
I actually felt like I was solving the cases, which were also more well made. Characters are more charming too.
Danganronpa 2 is probably the best one, despite having the worst case.
What are you talking about? Did I miss something?
No, that was a weird RPG.
2 has, by far: the worst characters, the worst character designs, the worst executions, the worst cases (notable exception), the worst ending, and the worst atmosphere.
The RPG had a lot of good concepts but it was far too easy to cheese it.
Those survivors were fucking awful. None of them were good characters.
Cases were kinda fun though
>The reason ArcSys hasn't announced Persona 5 Arena yet is because they were waiting for this stream to reveal Persona x Danganronpa
>he doesn't know
Please be a Distrust-like game. We don't need a sequel to V3.
I never bothered playing any of the extra modes besides the dating one, is it worthwhile?
But then Nekomaru and Sakura would heem every
How would they balance them?
I can't believe these are the same guys that made the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games. Like one series is totally family unfriendly, brutal, terrifying, full of mind-blowing twists and memorable characters while the other is Danganronpa
Holy shit, I thought the series was dead.
My bet is on UDG2 but my hopes are on V2.
it will be a reboot/spinoff, but not a fighting game
The series is only 10 years old, does it really warrant a reboot? UDG2 seems the most likely candidate
This series is just Phoenix Right with more anime and murder right? Where do I get started on PC?
The extra modes are the only reason to play Dangan 3
google "your turn to die", that'll get you where you need to go.
Trigger Happy Havoc > D2 > V3
Ultimate Despair girls is a spin off set between 1 + 2
Get out of this thread before spoilers
1 > 2 > UDG > 3 > V3 (don’t ask what the V means)
No it's like Wrigth with actual gameplay, actual violence and pretty good twists. Skip 1. It's the weakest.
like clockwork
Don't watch the anime
Do watch the anime
a reboot seems like the only way forward for the series, since V3 wrote them into a corner. It's the only way that they'll be able to move the main series of games forward.
That fucking platform section is impossible on pc, the buttons would not work most of the time
The only difference between Phoenix Wright and Dangan Ronpa is that the Dangan Ronpa spinoffs aren't better than the main games
Don't watch any anime, including Danganronpa 3; You can try Ultra Despair Girls after 2 if you want but it's shit.
YTTD is arguably better than any Danganronpa but why not play both ? And it's not over so no need to play it now.
In story mode?
Win battle, lose cutscene or other shenanigans
In free battles?
Who cares It's a fighting game.
It's not as if the series is short of asspulls, they'll just do something like 'it was all a dream bro' if they really want to chronologically go past V3
Do NOT watch the anime
>”V3 was the game but everything else was real”
It’s like bad pro wrestling
Watch the anime but only the aphrodisiac scene on pornhub
Well I mean it's technically 53 so they can just make the part 3 or 4 we didn't get to see
Just pirate it on pc
I've never played Phoenix Wright but part of Danganronpa's appeal is the small cast of characters that you get to know and can betray or you or become a victim at any second. Isn't Phoenix Wright more episodic? Do characters from one case carry over to another?
Don’t read this post
Looks like someone has been punched ny a faggot