Bannerlord beta patch

>beta patch 1.2
>looters/bandits attack caravans now
>destroys the entire world economy because caravans cant trade
>every city has 0 gold
>nobles bank accounts are dwindling by the day
calradia is going through a fucking economic collapse in my save i use for beta branches

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Now they just need to add bandits catching Corona, to reduce the bandit count, and shit will be golden.

>looters/bandits attack caravans now
>destroys the entire world economy because caravans cant trade
nice, being a merchant just got easier now that the competition has been thinned.

Now if only caravans had better troops for the bandits to capture and for me to rescue.

Do bandits just spawn on top of caravans and fight them now? I don't see how anything can catch the caravans zooming around with 6.5 or whatever speed.

wow this really is a simulation game

And that's bad why?

you are not supposed to play on the beta branch. only test things.

Is it really so bad?

This is a early access game, everything is for testing.

people complain about losing savegames all the time though

Aren't balance changes supposed to be made at the end, when all the features are working?

Glad i had my fun during 1.1.

>destroys the entire world economy because caravans cant trade
I wonder who benefits from this

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Not everyone can work on new features, some people have to do other things.

Funny how those turkroaches cant seem to push a patch without breaking something. Are they actually retarded?

Turkish programming is near Indian tier. They're pretty fucking shit at it

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That's how it always works in all games, you moron.
When you're working with a game where almost everything has a contingency on something else.
There's endless examples of this happening in almost every game to date.
Even in fucking Windows updates where they patch 1 vulnerability and open up ten new ones in the same update.

Patches are new content, then addressing bugs. Funny how people who only play games have no fucking clue how games are developed?

>lost both my caravans because of the new 30 cap as they were in enemy territory
Well fuck me, that was unexpected. Good think I'm sitting on 1 mil though.

Why havent they added manhunters yet?

Too busy being incompetent roaches.

Hold up, executing lords now makes people with no right to be pissed at you pissed at you?

What? Looters literally can't kill a single unit on an auto-resolve and caravans are full of cavalry. Looters and general bandits are also much slower.

I remember when patches were actually playtested inhouse instead of just shat out into a beta/early access/testing phase/whatever buzzword version.
Kill yourself.

Meanwhile I'm making 62k denars a pop forging shitty iron swords.
They have literally no clue what they are doing and just change things based on the complaints of the week from forum autists without giving them any kind of thought.

As of 1.2, looters will kill your top tier units in autoresolve.
While not as fast as a caravan, looters and bandits are still absurdly fast and dot the landscape like a lice infected scalp. It takes only one group of 5 looters to run into a caravan and the rest around them will pile on to join the fight.

>play early access games
>cry when you are treated like a play tester
You are an epic retarded subhuman now shut the fuck up

The looter thing is anecdotal and support by a couple of people on TW forums. No telling just how legitimate the complaint is. But the caravans vs. bandits thing is legitimate, especially since all lords do is ride against their enemies and never police their own lands. Every war is like Swadia is fending off Nords, Khergits, Sarranids, and Rhodoks all at the same time while Vaegars smear butter on iron on the sidelines.

Thanks for betatesting bro.

they made it realistic

it's early access you dumb faggot. what do you expect?
go complain about something else

Saying this without any venom of sarcasm, but you're welcome. We'll let you know when/if the game becomes worth its price tag.