Post characters that Yas Forums hate

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I want ankha to stomp on my testicles

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why do adult people play this kids game

Why do adults ask if adults play this game on a Chinese basket weaving imageboard thats seen better days and has been shit for over a decade now?

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have sex


Why do adults play Uno or any board game? It's fun. Video games are not typically rated by how "deep" or "meaningful" they are as a story-telling medium like film or literature, but how fun they are as a piece of mindless entertainment.

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There's no such thing as a true female "dom". Females are submissive by nature, it's in their biology and instinct.

Yas Forums loves Ankha. Jealous waifu fags upset their rando literal who villager gets no porn, hate Ankha.

t. College drop out who once read a post on facebook

They hated him because he spoke the truth

How could I hate my wife?

>Post characters that Yas Forums hate A
So popular character thread?

user it's a drawing.


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all nintendo games are kids games

You offering?

Why does someone always say this when anything remotely femdom related gets posted?

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user did you know that characters and events portrayed in drawings are often fictional and unrealistic beacuse you can make up whatever the fuck you want.
Crazy right?

>Animal crossing
>Kids game
you don't know much about kids if you think they'll pick the game about organizing social events or watering flowers over the game about shooting demons and stomping their faces in.
Doom is a kids game, animal crossing is for women.

Same reason people say things like "Wrestling is fake" They think they look smart stating the obvious.

There are female "doms", just not sexual ones.
The dominant females will not fuck you literally, but they'll fuck you out of money.

Beats me. Either insecure fags or simply autists.

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Insecure basement dwellers having unfounded fears about their roles in the tribe.

Because there still are some sad cases of spergs who think "gentle femdom" or "mommy gf" is a real thing.

Got the one of her talking while having some coffee?

God I wish that were me

I don't feel the need to hate something just for being popular. I like egyptian motifs so I like Ankha.

The last panel ruins this image for me. Even having just the first two panels would have worked. This is the type of comic where you fill in what comes next with your mind.

The talking humanoid cat suddenly jumped the shark when she revealed she was into being the dominant partner during sexual intercourse?

Please sir, do go on.

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Mommy gf isn't real, or if it is, would be incredibly unhealthy.

Gentle femdom as a general thing is completely reasonable though, surely?

This one?

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A certain group of people are very afraid of having their masculinity attacked by drawn porn

>Gentle femdom as a general thing is completely reasonable though, surely?
As long as you're paying her or are fine with a transfemdom.

Fucking yes, I have been looking for it forever
Who is the one that made this Ankha

at least post the full image

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Some user said the name of the drawfag in a thread yesterday but I can't remember who he was. Sorry, user.

I think you have a different definition of gentle femdom than me.

I guess your definition doesn't include "actually happens IRL".

>leg cross

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>normal hands
>stump legs
Did the artists just forget halfway or something

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Because, Junior, when you're finally an adult, you'll realize all your little tantrums about how when you're an adult you'll do whatever you want are the biggest, stupidest lie you ever told yourself.

You're gonna be ground down by your social superiors, you're gonna get infected with plagues because of retards, you're gonna lose your fucking job because some chink ate a goddamn bat and you'll realize that being an adult is terrible and if there was any mercy in the world we'd be shot in the head after eighteen.

So play the fucking whimsical animal game you cunt.

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why does the pouch have a butt

They wished a dog to fawn and hunt and fetch and carry, and had no use for the cat’s gift of eternal and disinterested beauty to feed the spirit. One can imagine how they must have resented Pussy’s magnificent reposefulness, unhurriedness, relaxation, and scorn for trivial human aims and concernments. Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and shambles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because somebody else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his sense of importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect—the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours—and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense.

t. never dated a white women who seeks domination over your house and funds

>Ankha posters

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Okay, I wanted a discussion but never mind.

>forced wojak meme in bad art

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Ok incel

The whole thing is fucking bizare
>Giant head on a tiny neck
>Normal arms and hands
>Fucking trunks for legs with stubby feet

All because some redditors said they post pictures of her on Yas Forums

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>picture literally shows the cat actually saying she wants to be tenderly kissed

I mean, do you actually even know your letters, or do you read via the pictures?

The last bit the mayor looked like Sora from Kingdom Hearts in Animal Crossing style.

at least post the image with the shopped slightly longer legs

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It looks like Morbi's art.
He also did the Poppy O'Possum comic.

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hazel is the cutest tomboy villager, can't change my mind on that one

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>that style
It looks like the same far-righter who wants "MAP rights"

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Why does this completely accurate take always offend women who see it? These are the same woman who long to be choked and ramfucked by a sugar daddy, but the moment you point it out suddenly they'll all go to the bat for the existence of female doms just to be needlessly defiant.

Because people like things based on science and not ideology.