Why did Animal Crossing become The Sims lite where you can control everything you want instead of actually feel like an outsider becoming part of a community?
Why did Animal Crossing become The Sims lite where you can control everything you want instead of actually feel like an...
>not wanting to be El Presidente
I had the same thought. The 3DS game fucked the series, it’s all been downhill from there. Now Anima, Crossing feels like a chore.
The series went to shit when they got rid of asshole neighbors.
Hazel is cute though.
new leaf
the entire game is just doing chores. fishing and getting bugs and shaking fruit trees are the chores of the game to make money and without that, you just have to be lucky in the stock market if you dont wanna do chores for money. checking what there is to do every day, terraforming, talking to people... unless you just sight see at other peoples towns, the entire game is a chore although it is fun
This desu
but hazel is cute! CUTE!!!
It doesn't even need asshole neighbors, just don't start every personality type out on super friendly terms. Talking to villagers and trading presents would be more rewarding if friendships were earned. Cranky and snooty should be more standoffish than peppy villagers, you should have dialogue options where you can say something that might offend them or make them like you more, etc. Actually building relationships instead of everyone thinking you're the best from the start
I remember the DS one being much more laid back, I didn’t feel like I HAD to do anything, like with that horrid Easter event from a couple of days ago or having to build like 40 different items for the villagers for no fucking reason
Second panel should be a girl (male) forcing Raymond to dress up in maid costumes.
I still play with what Im handed. Ill even let villagers I love move out to meet new ones.
sounds like destiny 2
>but hazel is cute! UNI-WOW!!!
fixed that for you
Because the game does give you more control. You are less limited in your options for customizing your town. Before it was just your house and character, then it progressed to your town and now in New Horizons it's your whole island. This is the natural progression of the series to allow for more player freedom and creativity. It's okay if you don't like these changes, people play Animal Crossing for different reasons and f you were more of a "you get what you get" type of person, then obviously this progression isn't exactly ideal for you. However it does seem like the series was building up to a point like this. If you like the restrictions of the older games more power to you, but I don't doubt that keeping AC in that way would stagnate the series more than it has already.
There are also other factors like villagers having their personalities cut down and punishment in general being vastly reduced. That said, I do like both GC and NH
This. You're not forced to take advantage of the features offered, hell you're only required to build ONE bridge for the tutorial week of the game. If you wanna gimp yourself on the features go for it.
>Why did Animal Crossing become The Sims lite where you can control everything you want instead of actually feel like an outsider becoming part of a community?
because retards kept complaining
also original AC had the best interaction with animals, they were dicks at start but turned nice once you got to know them. Now everyone's too nice and most of them feel like they lack any sort of personality
>mfw villagers in NH just repeat the same dialogue all the time because the devs couldn't be bothered to add more dialogue.
Honestly, talking to them just ends up making socialising with the villagers more of a chore instead of something fun and varied. I hate it when I have to talk to them repeatedly just to scramble for new dialogue to keep it interesting for me. I also fucking hate that they still kept one-note dialogue in. What is the point of talking to them if they're just gonna say one thing and fuck off?
You are drastically misremembering the Gamecube game.
I've been playing it for a few days and they endlessly suck your dick from the get-go. The only difference is they insult you if you don't want to do one of their many shit trades, and then they go straight back to talking to you like you're the best thing that ever happened to them.
How would people rank the series?
no one cares , doomerfaggot
This has been true of every Animal Crossing. Unless they spend obtusely long writing constant more and more dialogue, with increasingly lower returns over time, there is zero way to fix this.
E-girl fest
Its made for the cringey twitter e girls who touched animal crossing for the first time
these 2 follow thots on social apps
At least it has varied dialogue compared to the newer series.
What should I do with these? I don't need them anymore.
give them to me
You can still choose to play with what you're handed though.
Also Hazel is top cute. Uni-wow.
Nah dipshit.
>moose and hazel are now popular on Yas Forums because of memes
dumb contrarians
Not really. They've tended to repeat lines when I talk to them after the 2nd-3rd time.
I’ll take ten
Turning on my switch
That mouse is named Limberg. Moose is blue.
what do u want in exchange for 10 tickets
Buy Raymond off ebay and then sell him for cash.